
Fuck the Border

A friend of mine dropped me a line, it said, “man, I gotta run to the USA. I got no money, got no job.” She skipped out of Mexico to stay alive. You’ve got a problem with her living here, but what did you do to help her before she fucking came? What did the country do? What did the people do? I stand not by my country, but by people of the whole fucking world. No fences, no borders. Free movement for all. Fuck the border. It’s about fucking time to treat people with respect. It’s our culture and consumption that makes her life unbearable. Fuck this country; its angry eyes, its knee-jerk hordes. Legal or illegal, watch her fucking go. She’ll take what’s hers. Watch her fucking go. Fuck the border.

Some peo­ple have to stay and fight for sur­vival in the coun­try they live in while oth­ers have to leave to sur­vive. Cor­po­ra­tions cross inter­na­tion­al bor­ders all the time in search of peo­ple to exploit for prof­it and no one stops them. They call it glob­al­iza­tion. On the oth­er hand, the vic­tims of cor­po­rate dom­i­na­tion are told that they can’t cross bor­ders in search of bet­ter lives, and are forced to stay and deal with the social, eco­nom­ic and envi­ron­men­tal mess­es the com­pa­nies leave behind when they inevitably move their oper­a­tions to places with even more favourable busi­ness cli­mates” (re: low­er wages, lax envi­ron­men­tal laws, tax breaks). Looks like cap­i­tal­ism and human-rights don’t mix.

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