
you got­ta hear the remas­tered ver­sion of the Failed States LP by Jason Liv­er­more peo­ple. it’s like a whole new record! you can also get a phys­i­cal copy here: https://​kingsroad​merch​.com/Pro…

Jesus H. Chris / March 8, 2019
The Rod / August 23, 2017

Raw video/​audio of Sulyn­n’s audi­tion! She got extra points for step­ping up to the mic and try­ing the back­up vocals on the fly!

Jesus H. Chris / October 4, 2015
Jesus H. Chris / September 21, 2014

Raw footage of us in our old prac­tice space writing/​rehearsing the song Sta­tus Update,” from the Failed States LP2011.

Jesus H. Chris / September 3, 2014

Our beer-league hock­ey bud­dy Ran­dolph Frykas III made this for the release of the Failed States LP. They call it a teas­er” in the indus­try apparently.

Jesus H. Chris / September 3, 2014

This is us rehears­ing the fresh­ly-writ­ten tune Failed States” about 8 months before we record­ed the LP. I like this tem­po a bit bet­ter than the record. FASTER!

Jesus H. Chris / September 3, 2014