
July is coming!!

Hello, Everybody! I've got a few little things to say today. So let's get right down to business, eh? First of all, There are some very exciting things going on here in the Propagandhi camp right now. We're gearing up to come busting out ten times better than before. We're very excited and have some suprises in store for you, our good buddies. More on that soon. If You are a Winnipegger or are Visiting for sweet summer fun this weekend, come on down to Central Park (a couple blocks north of Portage Place, downtown) between 10:00am and 7:00pm and check out a new market that is getting going. There will be women selling African dresses and homemade fabrics. Earth Share will have an organic vegetable market with produce farmed here in Manitoba. There will be dancers from Mexico (with Propagandhis' own "Hairy" Hannah making a valiant attempt at doing the sound. There will be a band playing and there will also be many more tables with people from all over the world selling handcrafted items that they've made. The goal is to make Central Park the place to be this summer! Oh, it will be!!! This partè will be happening every Saturday this summer from 10:00 to 3:00. It's being put on by The Welcome Place, Earthshare, and the International Center of Winnipeg. See ya there!!! Some interesting news today: Joseph Kony, the leader of Ugandas' feared, "Lords' Resistance Army" has decided that he's had enough of kidnapping kids, mutilating civillians, and raping little girls. Guided by the voice of God he's been trying in the least noble of ways to rule Uganda by the ultra-nerdlike  texts,"The Ten Commandments". Kony now wants to talk with he Ugandan government about peace. I do truly hope The LRA is finally coming to an end and that Kony will be headed towards justice of some kind. However, as Jord/Glen wrote "You can't gouge a thousand eye's from a single head". In some strange Manitoban "Black Metal" news: The poor headbanger Ne'er Do Wells have been sentenced for burning down a church in Minnedosa.the Blackened trio were copycatting "Count Grishnak" from that not good band Burzum who smartly committed the same crime in Sweden to gain the attention his talent wasn't getting him.. Oh kids, kids, kids why must you learn the hard way.? I shudder when I think of how I probably narrowly escaped the same fate. Lucky I was too busy in my room trying to figure out how to play a Goddamn guitar to engage in such foolery. These kids will get out of jail, or wherever, and if they are not ruined by the experience, they will make fine headbanging citizens. keeps your eyes peeled in 13 months. haha... no laugh. And finally. Dio is the King, He's my Mother and my Father and even if/as(?) his voice deteriorates in his old age i will stand proud. o.k. That's it! Remember: Only society says a halfhead is undesirable. "That's the kind of day it's been this Wednesday, June 28th" -Sto

The Rod / June 28, 2006