
1st Week Home...

Hello, Everyone..

Thanks to everyone who came out to see us on tour. We had a great time and played pretty well MOST nights. GFK and Hiretsukan were awesome and really nice. It was nice to travel in some nice weather for once. Soon we'll post some photos from the tour. Now we're just sorting out the details of our trip to SOUTH AMERICA which will be in Late September or early October. That will be awesome. Our friend Cesar in Brazil has made this website. It's excellento.

So we're back to normal here in the Peg, I suppose. What does that mean exactly? I'm not so sure. This week since being home we all ran 10km in the RUN FOR RIGHTS raising a bunch of money for The Canada Haiti Action Network and The Welcome Place. With no pre-race practice We ran hard, we ran well. After the race Jordo had a barbecue in his yard. Today was the PRIDE day parade. It seemed like there was at least 3500 people or so there. That's awesome.

On the stranger side of the week, I went to a Winnipeg Goldeyes baseball game, half way through we took off to catch the bus. I'm sitting there talking to a guy and all of sudden I'm cracked in the head super hard! I says, "AAARGH", I looks around and there's a baseball rolling down the sidewalk. the goddman thing was hit over all the bleachers and lights and came right down on the back of my ugly head! Jesus! Have you ever ever wondered if a baseball to the head hurts? Yes it does! To top that one I was bitten on the arm by this man I am not kidding. What does someone do in such a situation? go get a rabies test? Saw their arm off?

So like I says all is normal back here in the Peg! We're just trucking along. It's good to be 34...

The Rod / June 10, 2007