
The ups and the downs!

Today is Canada Day. Haha.. Enjoy some lame celebrations while you can, Shlongs. Soon the Americans will arrive slaying everyone for Albertas oil, the globally warmed, Northwest Passage, the water, or perhaps the trees....

Beave has just left my place, this fine day, and is heading back to his dam. He played me a great new tune he wrote! There is good reason we got this little freak into our "fold". We're in better shape right now that we've ever been before in this stage of writing songs. We've got lots of music on the go and all of it seems like we're very well on the right track. I've got 4 tunes and a couple tapes worth of riffs I've been filtering through, Hannahs got a whole bunch of stuff, Beaves got a bunch. All is looking sharp. Usually we have 2-4 riffs that we're not sure about at this point! Haha.. So, yeah. Expect the next record to rip! Anyway, I'm excited and figured I'd tell you about it!

Be prepared to see us show up in cardboard boxes on wheels. Tax enforcer very cruel to skids. This is the downside of our week.

Anyway, Have a good ern'. Save some black hair dye for Snord.

The Rod / July 1, 2007