

So i just held my nose and dialed up the CNN website and came across the bland disclosure of the assets of upcoming US presidential hopefuls:

Republican Rudy Guiliani: $45 million in assets ($16.1 million in just the past 6 months) Democrat John Edwards: $29.5 million in assets One has to wonder what these douche-bags could have even REMOTELY in common with the average person living in the US, no? Consider the lifestyles that come with such obscene concentrations of wealth (and decision making power) and these guys might as well be from another planet. Yet people will still vote for them in droves. Wha...? As every day goes by, i become more and more certain that i myself was dropped off on the wrong planet 37 years ago. Will someone PLEASE wrap me in a towel, stick me in a basket on the front of their Kuwahara and tabletop some cop cars on the way to what's left of the forest so my real parents (Hammerhead and Greedo) can pick me up? Thank you. (don't forget to vote for me as WORST CANADIAN IN CANADIAN HISTORY)

Jesus H. Chris / May 17, 2007