
G'Day Mates!

If you were to subject me to a snap quiz in which i had to name the current elected/ appointed/ inherited leaders of all the world's 190+ nations, i would probably score less that 5% correctly. The fact that i admit this does not make it any less embarrassing. Once in every very long while, i make a half-baked effort to skim through the CIA Factbook and see who the latest crop of clowns are who are running various countries into the ground across the planet. Then i promptly forget, displacing these facts with more important things like the names of recently drafted professional hockey players.

One place i tend to pay a tiny, tiny, tiny bit more attention to is Australia. Partly because in many ways it is an analog to Canada. Partly because i used to live there when i was 5. Partly because outside of central/ south america, it is the place on the planet where we have been most warmly received as a band. I know many Australians visit this site. So i thought i'd post a link to the this very short and provocative piece about some of the players in post-Rudd Australia. In the words of Robert Downey Jr as Sherlock Holmes, "food for thought!".

Jesus H. Chris / July 23, 2010