glen lambert challenges cokie the clown to extreme fighting match!
Ex-propagandhi guitarist vocalist Glen Lambert has issued a challenge to Cokie the Clown over alleged trademark infringement. Said Glen:
"i was depressed and pathetic back in 2004, way before anybody else was doing it. The band NOFX even wrote a (terrible) song about how depressed and pathetic i was. Then this fucking clown comes along out of nowhere 4 years later, acting all depressed and pathetic. Coincidence? Well, this town is only big enough for one depressing and pathetic clown, and that's me, Glen Lambert. So i'm issuing a public challenge to Cokie: meet me in the octagon. Three 1-minute rounds. No holds barred. The loser apologizes publicly for stealing the other guys gimmick and pays the winner a whole shitload of money. I'm serious about this. I've been taping cutlery together and doing arm-curls for the past 4 hours. I'm fucking ripped. Rich people interested in organizing this event please get in touch with my manager, Murray Moon. Oh, and heres a tip Cokie: real clowns don't wear make-up."
The opinions expressed by Glen Lambert are those of Glen Lambert and not those of the parent corporation (Propagandhi, Inc) that fired him for incessant weirdness.