
Public Forum, Thursday Jan 13th: Examining the Continuing Disaster in Haiti

When Jordy-Boy isn't instantly cracking unbelievably expensive 19" crash cymbals here in the basement, he works with the Winnipeg-Haiti Solidarity Group, who are related to the Canada Haiti Action Network.

Next Thursday, Jan 13th, 7PM, at the Rudolph Rocker Cultural Center at 91 Albert St, 3rd Floor, they are presenting:

A Public Forum: Examining the Continuing Disaster in Haiti. A year after the earthquake in Haiti, the country faces many challenges that are socially imposed. From the ongoing UN occupation and the emergence of cholera, to failed aid models, to sham elections that refuse to allow Haiti's largest political party participation, Canadians have many reasons to be concerned about what is being done there under the rubric of humanitarianism. Please join us for a short presentation and for an open discussion. Admission is FREE!!!
All those believing that Canada is acting as a benign force for democracy are strongly encouraged to attend.
Jesus H. Chris / January 5, 2011