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I Am A Rifle / August 18th! Mark thine calendar!!!

Hello fellow disbelievers-that-this-political-system-is-taken-seriously-by-the-citizenry, how are you today? Yeah, me too. Oh well.

You probably remember that earlier this year our friend Todd Serious of Canada's national treasure, The Rebel Spell, shuffled off this mortal coil far too soon. Well, we wanted to do something to pay our respects to his bandmates, his friends, his family, his community and especially his spirit, so with the help of Baltimore's War On Women doing backing vocals, we recorded a version of The Rebel Spell's "I Am a Rifle" here in Winnipeg and had the fellas at The Blasting Room in Ft Collins mix it. We think we did it justice and we hope Erin, Elliot, Travis and Stepha think so too!

In honour of Todd's true rebel spirit, any proceeds after recording expenses will go the Wildlife Defence League and/ or the Unistoten Defence Fund. You can help make that happen on August 18th by throwing down some coin for it on our bandcamp page or through any of the usual digital download suspects, like iTunes. Thanks people!

Jesus H. Chris / August 7, 2015