
For Jobs, Growth and Long-Term Prosperity: Free John Hinckley.

hel­lo fel­low serfs, 

remem­ber that remake of Bull­shit Politi­cians” that was sup­posed to be on the that comp years ago but then was­n’t on that comp for some sil­ly rea­son that no one involved cares about any­more? well, in hon­our of the total hand­ing over of the coun­try’s keys to cor­po­rate inter­ests by Stephen Harper’s Con­ser­v­a­tive Par­ty (i wish they’d con­serve some­thing for once), also known as Bill C‑38, we dug up said track from the deep with­in the Pro­pa­gand­hi archives and put it on that thing called band camp”. you can take it for free (i think) or you can buy us a vir­tu­al beer and a smoke with a dona­tion while you fol­low the link in the descrip­tion to see what’s so bad about favour­ing multi­na­tion­al cor­po­ra­tions over the peo­ple that actu­al­ly live here. who knows? maybe one or both of us can actu­al­ly get out from in front of our com­put­ers and join those already try­ing to do some­thing about this dark day. cra­zier things have happened. 

Go here to buy us beers and smokes you fuckin’ cheap­skate.

Jesus H. Chris / June 15, 2012

New Record

hel­lo fel­low con­fusers of enter­tain­ment for understanding/​fun for hap­pi­ness. how’s it going? 

our new record­ing is done. it shall be released late this summer/​ear­ly this fall. a more offi­cial announce­ment com­ing soon. just want­ed to keep you weirdos in the loop. 

in the mean­time, you can fol­low me on the mar­gin­al­ly-less-awful-than-Shit­book anti-social net­work­ing ser­vice twit­ter”, right here. i guar­an­tee you fleet­ing moments of enter­tain­ment and self-reflec­tion. get it while it lasts. 

Jesus H. Chris / June 3, 2012

The music world has lost a great and talented musican.

I want to send out a mes­sage of respect and to hon­our Rob Doher­ty (Final Dark­ness, Peri­cardi­um, Into Eter­ni­ty) who just passed away. Rough­ly 20 years ago I start­ed watch­ing Rob in his first band Met­al­ist and I total­ly loved the last record­ing he did with his new band Final Dark­ness. The last song on the Final Dark­ness record was a cov­er of Razor’s Evil Invaders” so he def­i­nite­ly went out rock­ing as hard as he start­ed. We’ll miss you, man.

The Rod / May 5, 2012

Red River Rampage 2012!

Well, Peg­ger’s (and a few trav­el­ers), there’s just two weeks until Red Riv­er Ram­page! This years RRR is March 23rd at the Bur­ton Cum­mings The­atre. We, Pro­pa­gand­hi’s are ripe and to rock and we hope you are too. If you’re hav­ing any trou­ble find­ing tick­ets go here. If you type in the words RAM­PAGEME you get 25% off the tick­et price. Ha ha. We’re going to go hard so beware and, as always, bring your hel­met and slacks!! Sad sacks in sad slacks pow­ered to to the max.

The Rod / March 9, 2012

Propagandhi "Supporting Caste" guitar and bass tab book!

Atten­tion all ye rif­fers, lick­ers, and rock­ers! Today is the offi­cial release of the Pro­pa­gand­hi Sup­port­ing Caste’ gui­tar and bass tab book! We, along with our friends Luke and Tim (Sheet Happens/​Protest The Hero), painstak­ing­ly put this book togeth­er with a sharp atten­tion to detail so it’s as close as pos­si­ble to what we played on the record. We had a ton of fun mak­ing it and we hope you’ll dig it!

It’s an unbe­liev­able tool for learn­ing new tun­ings, capo use, orig­i­nal voic­ings, and face puck­er­ing riffs and solos. Com­plete with an intro­duc­tion by the band and var­i­ous pic­tures through­out. Also fea­tur­ing a Per­for­mance Notes” sec­tion where the band give sug­ges­tions on tough sec­tions and altered tunings.”


The Rod / February 1, 2012

Wab Kinew

Local artist and broad­cast­er Wab Kinew tells it like it is on the Strom­bo show. 

Jesus H. Chris / January 12, 2012