
Yekaterina Samutsevich: Closing Statement at the Pussy Riot Trial.

I now have mixed feel­ings about this tri­al. On the one hand, we now expect a guilty ver­dict. Com­pared to the judi­cial machine, we are nobod­ies, and we have lost. On the oth­er hand, we have won. Now the whole world sees that the crim­i­nal case against us has been fabricated.”

See Yeka­teri­na’s full state­ment here.

The Rod / August 9, 2012

Escape Velocity Radio

You real­ly need to hear the inter­view Todd and I did with Anishin­abe journalist/​hip-hop artist Wab Kinew that appears on Escape Veloc­i­ty Radio, a new pod­cast fea­tur­ing me, Chris Han­nah, as your host! Oh, it also fea­tures Derek Hogue as a co-host but no one cares about him or what he thinks. 

Jesus H. Chris / August 9, 2012

Duplicate Keys Icaro (An Interim Report)

Now that’s a mouth­ful. I can’t wait to hear that one guy up front at every one of our shows scream­ing Play Dupli­cate Keys Icaro (An Inter­im Report)’!” over and over. 

Yeah, so if you want to hear this new song, go here and open your ear­balls folks. Enjoy responsibly. 

Jesus H. Chris / August 9, 2012

Support Russian Band PUSSY RIOT!

free​pussyri​ot​.org is a web­site to sup­port Russ­ian fem­i­nist per­for­mance art group, Pussy Riot. Three mem­bers of the group are being held in a Russ­ian jail under com­plete­ly inhu­mane con­di­tions. They face 7 years in jail for a 1‑minute per­for­mance in a priests-only sec­tion of Moscow’s Cathe­dral of Christ the Sav­ior. The song they per­formed is a cri­tique of the rela­tion­ship between the Russ­ian gov­ern­ment and the Catholic Church of Rus­sia. Appar­ent­ly spe­cial treat­ment for the church is of more impor­tance than free­dom, human­i­ty and justice.

The Rod / August 1, 2012

Muuxi In The House!

Hi every­body! Check out this arti­cle on my friend, Muuxi Adam, who has start­ed an orga­ni­za­tion called Human Kind Inter­na­tion­al to help build the first ever Ear­ly Child­hood Cen­ter in Dadaab Refugee Camp, Kenya. Muuxi has an amaz­ing per­son­al sto­ry and is a total­ly com­mit­ted and inspir­ing social activist. If you feel inspired to get involved with Muuxi and Human Kind Inter­na­tion­al, please do!

The Rod / July 17, 2012

Failed States comes out on September 4th! Then we play some songs live where you live (maybe)!

Hel­lo fel­low con­fused and fright­ened inhab­i­tants of space­ship earth. how are you today? Me too. So here is the news lit­er­al­ly tens of you have been wait­ing for: our new record, Failed States”, will be unleashed on Sep­tem­ber 4th/​2012 via Epi­taph Records, leav­ing you plen­ty of time to enjoy it’s con­tents before Nibiru comes fly­ing out of the Oort cloud and anni­hi­lates Earth in late Decem­ber, vin­di­cat­ing para­nor­mal­ists and pseu­do-sci­en­tists world­wide for about 14 nano-seconds. 

Here, lis­ten to a song from it and see if it’s your cup of crude.

If you’re real­ly a keen­er (and like to wear shirts — of the non-sweat­shop vari­ety) you can pre-order Failed States” here, there­by killing two tro­phy-hunters with one cross­bow bolt. 

If you’d like to join us in per­son to wit­ness us insult each oth­er’s hair­lines this fall, please click on the Shows” link at the top of this page. UPDATE: a kind euro­pean fel­low has brought it to my atten­tion that inhab­i­tants of that part of the plan­et can pre-order the record here. Aus­farht!

Jesus H. Chris / July 17, 2012