
Nicolas Merritt Plays "Coaches Corner"

A young lit­tle man plays Coach­es Cor­ner” on the drums! Right on!

The Rod / September 4, 2011

Mexico's Permaculture Punks.

This is awe­some. I love see­ing peo­ple get­ting out there and using what’s around them to make the world a bit better.

The Rod / August 20, 2011

Good News/ Bad News

Hel­lo fel­low inmates of this inter­galac­tic prison colony/​quar­an­tine zone called Earth. How the heck are you? 

So, we’ve got a clas­sic good news/​bad news sit­u­a­tion on our hands to share with you this fine august day. 

The bad news is that due to a seri­ous injury, we can’t play the Red Riv­er Ram­page show in Sep­tem­ber. 13 years of judo-throw­ing 250-lb men and then defend­ing jiu­jit­su guard-pass attempts by the same behe­moths has final­ly caught up with Todd The Rod. He cur­rent­ly can’t even hold his bass for more than 10 sec­onds with­out excru­ci­at­ing pain in his back. He’s been try­ing to get answers from this evis­cer­at­ed joke of a health-care sys­tem for months now to no avail. Thanks cor­po­rate-wel­fare/ social-capitalism!

We actu­al­ly had to resort to send­ing him down the US to get a god­damn MRI at a pri­vate clin­ic to see what the hell was going on in his spine and sur­prise, sur­prise, he’s got bulging discs, tears and pinched nerves all over the place. 

The good news is that the Red Riv­er Ram­page orga­niz­ers have bent over back­wards to keep us in their plans and have moved the show to March 23rd. A long ways away, i know, but hope­ful­ly enough time for us to get Todd healthy in the long-term. 

And that’s the good news: Todd is going full tilt on a struc­tured physio pro­gram to get back to full capac­i­ty. It’s only been a cou­ple weeks and he already feels small improve­ments in terms of the pain. Me, Beave and Jord have been keep­ing the song-writ­ing jug­ger­naut rolling in the back­ground mean­while. We’re still on track to rock out and make a ridicu­lous­ly facemelt­ing record this win­ter! So shut your pie-holes and hold on to you pan­taloons peo­ple. The assault continues!

Jesus H. Chris / August 17, 2011

It's a nice one outside in The Peg tonight...

Hel­lo, every­body! How’s it going this fine evening?

I hope you’re enjoy­ing your evening and sea­son­ing it, help oth­er peo­ple as much as pos­si­ble with some lev­i­ty and com­mon sense, two things that are sore­ly lack­ing in the world at the moment.

I have one lit­tle thing to say tonight: Try to keep your life’s endeav­ors pos­i­tive; there’s way too many good and cool peo­ple and great things going on in this world to waste your life being neg­a­tive or hate­ful. Cre­ate and achieve, my friends. Work hard, help oth­er peo­ple as much as pos­si­ble and keep rolling on.


The Rod / July 25, 2011

'Supporting Caste' Guitar Tab Book Is In The Works!

Our Friend Luke and Tim from the band Protest The Hero and Sheet Hap­pens are help­ing us make a gui­tar and bass tab book for the Sup­port­ing Caste” record, we hope it will be released this fall. So far it’s a pret­ty cool expe­ri­ence try­ing to make a book like this. Chris and I are just get­ting start­ed on our share of the tab­bing but Beaver is almost fin­ished. Get your fin­gers ready to rock!

The Rod / July 25, 2011

July 22nd is Fragile X Awareness Day!

What is Frag­ile X? Well, to be hon­est I had no idea until today. My broth­er, who’s an all around good guy, has con­tact­ed me about help­ing to raise some aware­ness of Frag­ile X Syn­drome, which I now know is the num­ber one cause of inher­it­ed men­tal impair­ment and the most com­mon known genet­ic autism, and he asked me to help spread the word to the ever intel­li­gent Pro­pa­gand­hi lis­ten­ers so that’s exact­ly what I’m doing! Check it out http://​www​.frag​ilexsask​.ca/​i​n​d​e​x​.html. Godamn!! I could­n’t get the link to work so cut and paste it my dear people!!!!!!

The Rod / July 22, 2011