Nicolas Merritt Plays "Coaches Corner"
A young little man plays “Coaches Corner” on the drums! Right on!
Mexico's Permaculture Punks.
This is awesome. I love seeing people getting out there and using what’s around them to make the world a bit better.
Good News/ Bad News
Hello fellow inmates of this intergalactic prison colony/quarantine zone called Earth. How the heck are you?
So, we’ve got a classic good news/bad news situation on our hands to share with you this fine august day.
The bad news is that due to a serious injury, we can’t play the Red River Rampage show in September. 13 years of judo-throwing 250-lb men and then defending jiujitsu guard-pass attempts by the same behemoths has finally caught up with Todd The Rod. He currently can’t even hold his bass for more than 10 seconds without excruciating pain in his back. He’s been trying to get answers from this eviscerated joke of a health-care system for months now to no avail. Thanks corporate-welfare/ social-capitalism!
We actually had to resort to sending him down the US to get a goddamn MRI at a private clinic to see what the hell was going on in his spine and surprise, surprise, he’s got bulging discs, tears and pinched nerves all over the place.
The good news is that the Red River Rampage organizers have bent over backwards to keep us in their plans and have moved the show to March 23rd. A long ways away, i know, but hopefully enough time for us to get Todd healthy in the long-term.
And that’s the good news: Todd is going full tilt on a structured physio program to get back to full capacity. It’s only been a couple weeks and he already feels small improvements in terms of the pain. Me, Beave and Jord have been keeping the song-writing juggernaut rolling in the background meanwhile. We’re still on track to rock out and make a ridiculously facemelting record this winter! So shut your pie-holes and hold on to you pantaloons people. The assault continues!
It's a nice one outside in The Peg tonight...
Hello, everybody! How’s it going this fine evening?
I hope you’re enjoying your evening and seasoning it, help other people as much as possible with some levity and common sense, two things that are sorely lacking in the world at the moment.
I have one little thing to say tonight: Try to keep your life’s endeavors positive; there’s way too many good and cool people and great things going on in this world to waste your life being negative or hateful. Create and achieve, my friends. Work hard, help other people as much as possible and keep rolling on.
'Supporting Caste' Guitar Tab Book Is In The Works!
Our Friend Luke and Tim from the band Protest The Hero and Sheet Happens are helping us make a guitar and bass tab book for the “Supporting Caste” record, we hope it will be released this fall. So far it’s a pretty cool experience trying to make a book like this. Chris and I are just getting started on our share of the tabbing but Beaver is almost finished. Get your fingers ready to rock!
July 22nd is Fragile X Awareness Day!
What is Fragile X? Well, to be honest I had no idea until today. My brother, who’s an all around good guy, has contacted me about helping to raise some awareness of Fragile X Syndrome, which I now know is the number one cause of inherited mental impairment and the most common known genetic autism, and he asked me to help spread the word to the ever intelligent Propagandhi listeners so that’s exactly what I’m doing! Check it out Godamn!! I couldn’t get the link to work so cut and paste it my dear people!!!!!!