
If A Tree Falls: A Story of the Earth Liberation Front

There’s a doc­u­men­tary open­ing in the­atres in June this year that Pro­pa­gand­hi makes a brief (and some­what inci­den­tal) appear­ance in. It is called If A Tree Falls: A Sto­ry of the Earth Lib­er­a­tion Front” and looks like it could be very inter­est­ing, espe­cial­ly giv­en the state of the plan­et at the moment and the debate over what should be done to stop the sociopaths who prof­it from its destruction:

On Decem­ber 7th, 2005, fed­er­al agents con­duct­ed a nation­wide sweep of rad­i­cal envi­ron­men­tal­ists involved with the Earth Lib­er­a­tion Front — an orga­ni­za­tion the FBI has called Amer­i­ca’s num­ber one domes­tic ter­ror­ism threat.” IFTREE FALLS: A STO­RY OF THE EARTH LIB­ER­A­TION FRONT is the remark­able sto­ry of the group’s rise and fall, told through the trans­for­ma­tion and rad­i­cal­iza­tion of one of its mem­bers, Daniel McGowan. Part com­ing-of-age tale, part cops-and-rob­bers thriller, the film inter­weaves a chron­i­cle of McGowan fac­ing life in prison with a dra­mat­ic inves­ti­ga­tion of the events that led to his involve­ment with the ELF. Using nev­er-before-seen archival footage and inti­mate inter­views — with cell mem­bers and with the pros­e­cu­tor and detec­tive who were chas­ing them — IFTREE FALLS asks hard ques­tions about envi­ron­men­tal­ism, activism, and the way we define terrorism.
Jesus H. Chris / June 2, 2011

Back in The PEG!

Alrighty, peo­ples!

Pro­pa­gand­hi is back in the Peg after a whirl­wind tour of Aus­tralia! Thanks to every­one over there espe­cial­ly Blue Mur­der, who booked the tour, and the great folks from Stolen Youth who played every show with us. Also thanks to Lau­ra Hor­vath for mak­ing me an awe­some veg­an cheese­cake for my 38th birth­day. A bunch of peo­ple came to see us at mul­ti­ple shows, for that we are grate­ful. Also, many thanks to all the great Aus­tralian bands and every­one who came to rock out with us!

Now we get on to the excite­ment of prepar­ing to record our next record! We hope to record in September.

Over n out!

The Rod / June 1, 2011

Silverstein Fucks The Border

Check this cov­er of Fuck The Bor­der out. Per­formed bet­ter than our ver­sion on Today’s Empires i have to say! 

Jesus H. Chris / May 9, 2011

Citizen Radio Interview

The oth­er night i spoke with Jamie and Alli­son from Cit­i­zen Radio. They let me ram­ble on about a bunch of stuff but the real high-light would be that they had Chris Hedges (author of War Is A Force That Gives Us Mean­ing, Amer­i­can Fas­cists, Death of the Lib­er­al Class) on the same show. Check it out here!

Jesus H. Chris / April 19, 2011

Friends of Soma

Kather­ine Geer­aert con­tact­ed us recent­ly from Japan to let us know about a project she has cre­at­ed to help out her stu­dents in Soma, who have been left home­less and with­out basic resources since the quake/​tsunami. Kather­ine says this about the project: 

My name is Kather­ine Geer­aert, and I have start­ed a Tsuna­mi relief fund for stu­dents at the school where I teach in Japan. I am a teacher at Soma Higashi High School in Soma, Japan. I was at the school when the Earth­quake and Tsuna­mi hit the North East Coast of Japan.The effects of the 9.0 mag­ni­tude earth­quake have been extreme through­out North East­ern Japan. In Soma, the Earth­quake caused a 7.5 meter tsuna­mi that destroyed much of the Soma Bay area and the sur­round­ing neigh­bour­hoods. Some of my stu­dents lived in these neigh­bour­hoods. Many oth­er stu­dents at Soma Higashi com­mute to school in Soma from oth­er com­mu­ni­ties that lie along the coast, some in clos­er prox­i­ma­tion to the Dai­ichi Nuclear Pow­er Plant. As a result of these dis­as­ters, many stu­dents have either lost their homes and belong­ings, or are unable to return to their homes because of the 30 km. evac­u­a­tion zone. Many of their par­ents have lost their jobs as a result of the either the extreme, detri­men­tal effects of the Tsuna­mi, or because their jobs are also with­in that 30 km radius. These stu­dents need sim­ple neces­si­ties to return to school and to begin rebuild­ing their lives with their fam­i­lies. Friends of Soma gives 100% of it’s dona­tions direct­ly to these fam­i­lies through Soma Higashi High School. Any amount of sup­port can make a huge difference. 
Jesus H. Chris / April 14, 2011

Jesus For Mayor

If Wab Kinew won’t actu­al­ly do it, then i will god­dammit! Actu­al­ly, no i won’t. But here is my appar­ent 5‑point pro­gram to clean up this filthy town any­ways, already being tak­en seri­ous­ly in the com­ments sec­tion below it. No sur­prise there i guess. 

Jesus H. Chris / April 5, 2011