
For Good Reason

Crit­i­cal Thinkers of the World Unite! D.J. Groethe, for­mer­ly of the Cen­ter For Inquiry, has a promis­ing new pod­cast known as For Good Rea­son, which intends to encour­age lis­ten­ers to think crit­i­cal­ly about the cen­tral beliefs of soci­ety, focus­ing on super­nat­ur­al, para­nor­mal and psue­do-sci­en­tif­ic claims. You can check out episodes here.

Jesus H. Chris / August 16, 2010

Countdown to Richmond...

Ok, just to get every­one who will be join­ing us in Rich­mond VA in a cou­ple weeks total­ly pumped and primed to penul­ti­mate­ly par­ty, i give you some ran­dom­ly cho­sen pieces of live footage tak­en from around the world last year: per­haps you’ll enjoy the sooth­ing sounds of A Spec­u­la­tive Fic­tion? Or maybe get­ting berat­ed by Todd pri­or to sam­pling some Human(e) Meat is more to your lik­ing? What’s that you say? You are a sad los­er with no friends and there­fore com­plete­ly With­out Love? Join the club! Or should i say, join the Sup­port­ing Cast(e)? If you don’t, you may end up going Back To The Motor League in which case Ter­tium Non Datur, amirite?

So if you’re going to Rich­mond, make sure you’re ful­ly lubed and loaded fuck­ers. There will be no pris­on­ers tak­en! No quar­ter spared! No mer­cy giv­en! No half-heads not point­ed out to their peers a hun­dred times dur­ing the course of the set! No! Nev­er! We won’t back down!

Jesus H. Chris / August 4, 2010


I nev­er got past high-school, but maybe if there were more edu­ca­tors like this guy, i would’ve been more inter­est­ed in learn­ing instead of cut­ting class to watch a shit­ty beta copy of Kreators Tox­ic Trace” video for the 100 zil­lionth time. 

Jesus H. Chris / July 27, 2010

Are the Days of the Full-Time Novelist Numbered?

Robert Sawyer is one of the most suc­cess­ful spec­u­la­tive fic­tion writ­ers on the plan­et, and cer­tain­ly one of the most suc­cess­ful fic­tion writ­ers in Cana­di­an his­to­ry. He has a tal­ent for broach­ing very big ideas with­in a very acces­si­ble, fast-paced for­mat (once in a while at the expense of the aes­thet­ics of a more sea­soned SF audi­ence). I’ve read most of his books and out­side of Kim Stan­ley Robin­son, i’d have to cred­it Sawyer with fuel­ing my inti­tial inter­est in what i think is the most excit­ing and impor­tant genre of writ­ing we have. He keeps a blog that i vis­it once in a while and i thought this post about the end of the full-time nov­el­ist was inter­est­ing enough to share, in part because of the analo­gies one can make to the music indus­try, which is of course, also in free-fall. Gen­er­al­ly, i think the music indus­try is get­ting what it deserves for pro­duc­ing so much utter garbage over the years that peo­ple sim­ply aren’t will­ing to front their hard-earned mon­ey for some­thing that sounds exact­ly like 4000 oth­er records that already exist and that as a mat­ter of design, does­n’t take the lis­ten­er any­where new, intel­lec­tu­al­ly or spir­i­tu­al­ly. Still, his com­ments towards the end of the post con­cern­ing lengthy, ambi­tious, com­plex works works that take years of full-time effort to pro­duce” are worth think­ing about.

Jesus H. Chris / July 27, 2010

G'Day Mates!

If you were to sub­ject me to a snap quiz in which i had to name the cur­rent elected/​appointed/​inher­it­ed lead­ers of all the world’s 190+ nations, i would prob­a­bly score less that 5% cor­rect­ly. The fact that i admit this does not make it any less embar­rass­ing. Once in every very long while, i make a half-baked effort to skim through the CIA Fact­book and see who the lat­est crop of clowns are who are run­ning var­i­ous coun­tries into the ground across the plan­et. Then i prompt­ly for­get, dis­plac­ing these facts with more impor­tant things like the names of recent­ly draft­ed pro­fes­sion­al hock­ey players. 

One place i tend to pay a tiny, tiny, tiny bit more atten­tion to is Aus­tralia. Part­ly because in many ways it is an ana­log to Cana­da. Part­ly because i used to live there when i was 5. Part­ly because out­side of central/​south amer­i­ca, it is the place on the plan­et where we have been most warm­ly received as a band. I know many Aus­tralians vis­it this site. So i thought i’d post a link to the this very short and provoca­tive piece about some of the play­ers in post-Rudd Aus­tralia. In the words of Robert Downey Jr as Sher­lock Holmes, food for thought!”. 

Jesus H. Chris / July 23, 2010

Red Oktoberfest/ Riot Fest

Well, punch me in the nards and call me flat-nuts! We’re play­ing Chica­go this Octo­ber for our pal Toby’s first annu­al wed­ding cel­e­bra­tion! And now the good news (just kid­ding Toby): also play­ing at this fes­ti­val — among many oth­ers — will be the mighty Cor­ro­sion of Con­for­mi­ty (with their 1985 line­up! jesus wept!), Arti­cles of Faith, Agnos­tic Front, High On Fire, Neg­a­tive Approach and CRO­MAGS!!! Boy oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy, am i stoked. 

you will be too. any­body who has seen Cap­tain Ron knows that chica­go is good people. 

it appears that the sched­ule and tick­et info can be found here.

Jesus H. Chris / July 21, 2010