Propagandhi = Justin Bieber
To be honest i’m not even sure i know who Justin Bieber is, but as you can see in this interview with Junior Battles, we have been mentioned in the same sentence. This pisses me right off. I think. I assume.
William Blum: The Most Sensible Broken Record in America
Too bad more people can’t seem to tune in to hear it.
Split 7" with Sacrifice!!!
So the minute we got back from Best Friends Day in Richmond, we put our noses to the grindstone and got to work on a recording for our side of a dream-come-true split 7″ with Canadian thrash legends Sacrifice!
Sacrifice recorded a crushing version of Rush’s “Anthem” and we’re recording a cover of Corrosion of Conformity’s 1987 opus “Technocracy”, which was one of the greatest and most outrageous entries into a genre that we used to call “crossover” back in the 80’s.
Capturing it’s essence is definitely one of the most challenging things we’ve ever faced as a band. I dare other bands to try it.
Hopefully it will get mastered and be off to the pressing plant this week. I’d love to have some copies to give to Corrosion of Conformity at Riot Fest in Chicago this October. Look for it from Winnipeg’s War On Music record label!
Oh No! Not Another Post About Animal-Rights!
How much more can the poor, persecuted supporters of the animal-exploitation industry take?!? They already endure the torture of world-wide vegetarian oppression! Now they have to face this interview with Todd and Chris about veganism on the internet?!? It’s the equivalent of a holocaust! Won’t somebody save the defenseless meat-eaters from these heinous studs advocating a plant-based diet?!? Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh!
Best Friends Day is behind us...
Wow, now that was a whirl-wind adventure!
These people really know how to throw a party and a great music event. i especially appreciate that they did it all without laming it up with a bunch of goofy corporate sponsors.
Music and commerce are certainly tangled together in our world, but the tendency of most festivals to make musicians defacto indentured-servants of corporate hyper-consumerism bums us out. So it’s a pretty awesome statement that the organizers of BFD make when they choose to work their magic with a spirit of independence, relying on their own resourcefulness and grassroots community connections rather than some easy and crass corporate dollars. Cheers to Tony and the rest of organizers/volunteers for that!
Special thanks to the dudes from Sundials for chauffering us around, Nick and Patrick and Krissy from Landmines/ Vegan Action for amazing hospitality and the staff of the Harrison Street Café for some killer food!
The line-up we played with at the Canal Club was pretty great. Municipal Waste (Tony’s band) fucking killed it in total thrash party-mode followed by Andrew WK just standing up there with a keyboard and still somehow managing to get people going wild! Then followed by us, who went up there and played 20 depressing songs about how the world is shit and is about to end. haha. People partied on anyhow! It was cool.
All that plus our sound-guy/local legend The Butcher got immortalized on a t‑shirt. Congratulations if you got one of those collectors items, but please note that his package is not really that large in real life (i asked his girlfriend Wanda).
Cheers Best Friends!
Best Friends Day is upon us..
Alright everybody. We’re off to Best Friends Day in Richmond, Virginia. We’ve practiced hard and will be totally ready to rock! We’ve got fan favorite, Mark Barnhole on 3rd guitar to totally tear your heads off! It’s going to be great see you there!