
Propagandhi = Justin Bieber

To be hon­est i’m not even sure i know who Justin Bieber is, but as you can see in this inter­view with Junior Bat­tles, we have been men­tioned in the same sen­tence. This piss­es me right off. I think. I assume. 

Jesus H. Chris / September 9, 2010

William Blum: The Most Sensible Broken Record in America

Too bad more peo­ple can’t seem to tune in to hear it.

Jesus H. Chris / September 2, 2010

Split 7" with Sacrifice!!!

So the minute we got back from Best Friends Day in Rich­mond, we put our noses to the grind­stone and got to work on a record­ing for our side of a dream-come-true split 7″ with Cana­di­an thrash leg­ends Sac­ri­fice!

Sac­ri­fice record­ed a crush­ing ver­sion of Rushs Anthem” and we’re record­ing a cov­er of Cor­ro­sion of Con­for­mi­tys 1987 opus Tech­noc­ra­cy”, which was one of the great­est and most out­ra­geous entries into a genre that we used to call crossover” back in the 80’s. 

Cap­tur­ing it’s essence is def­i­nite­ly one of the most chal­leng­ing things we’ve ever faced as a band. I dare oth­er bands to try it. 

Hope­ful­ly it will get mas­tered and be off to the press­ing plant this week. I’d love to have some copies to give to Cor­ro­sion of Con­for­mi­ty at Riot Fest in Chica­go this Octo­ber. Look for it from Win­nipeg’s War On Music record label!

Jesus H. Chris / August 28, 2010

Oh No! Not Another Post About Animal-Rights!

How much more can the poor, per­se­cut­ed sup­port­ers of the ani­mal-exploita­tion indus­try take?!? They already endure the tor­ture of world-wide veg­e­tar­i­an oppres­sion! Now they have to face this inter­view with Todd and Chris about veg­an­ism on the inter­net?!? It’s the equiv­a­lent of a holo­caust! Won’t some­body save the defense­less meat-eaters from these heinous studs advo­cat­ing a plant-based diet?!? Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh!

Jesus H. Chris / August 27, 2010

Best Friends Day is behind us...

Wow, now that was a whirl-wind adventure! 

These peo­ple real­ly know how to throw a par­ty and a great music event. i espe­cial­ly appre­ci­ate that they did it all with­out lam­ing it up with a bunch of goofy cor­po­rate sponsors. 

Music and com­merce are cer­tain­ly tan­gled togeth­er in our world, but the ten­den­cy of most fes­ti­vals to make musi­cians defac­to inden­tured-ser­vants of cor­po­rate hyper-con­sumerism bums us out. So it’s a pret­ty awe­some state­ment that the orga­niz­ers of BFD make when they choose to work their mag­ic with a spir­it of inde­pen­dence, rely­ing on their own resource­ful­ness and grass­roots com­mu­ni­ty con­nec­tions rather than some easy and crass cor­po­rate dol­lars. Cheers to Tony and the rest of organizers/​vol­un­teers for that! 

Spe­cial thanks to the dudes from Sun­di­als for chauf­fer­ing us around, Nick and Patrick and Kris­sy from Land­mines/ Veg­an Action for amaz­ing hos­pi­tal­i­ty and the staff of the Har­ri­son Street Café for some killer food! 

The line-up we played with at the Canal Club was pret­ty great. Munic­i­pal Waste (Tony’s band) fuck­ing killed it in total thrash par­ty-mode fol­lowed by Andrew WK just stand­ing up there with a key­board and still some­how man­ag­ing to get peo­ple going wild! Then fol­lowed by us, who went up there and played 20 depress­ing songs about how the world is shit and is about to end. haha. Peo­ple par­tied on any­how! It was cool. 

All that plus our sound-guy/lo­cal leg­end The Butch­er got immor­tal­ized on a t‑shirt. Con­grat­u­la­tions if you got one of those col­lec­tors items, but please note that his pack­age is not real­ly that large in real life (i asked his girl­friend Wanda). 

Cheers Best Friends!

Jesus H. Chris / August 22, 2010

Best Friends Day is upon us..

Alright every­body. We’re off to Best Friends Day in Rich­mond, Vir­ginia. We’ve prac­ticed hard and will be total­ly ready to rock! We’ve got fan favorite, Mark Barn­hole on 3rd gui­tar to total­ly tear your heads off! It’s going to be great see you there!

The Rod / August 18, 2010