
Australia/NZ gigs selling out! Hurry!!!!

I’m not even kid­ding! Put down the damn tuck­er bag and get a tick­et now! 

Jesus H. Chris / April 1, 2019

Calling All Australians! Calling All Australians!

please keep all hunts­man and fun­nel web spi­ders on a leash for the dura­tion of the month of May thank you! see tour dates for more info! 

Jesus H. Chris / March 8, 2019

Failed States Remastered by Jason Livermore!

you got­ta hear the remas­tered ver­sion of the Failed States LP by Jason Liv­er­more peo­ple. it’s like a whole new record! you can also get a phys­i­cal copy here: https://​kingsroad​merch​.com/Pro…

Jesus H. Chris / March 8, 2019

Mexico City, alla vamos!

Que pasa?

Esta­mos encan­ta­dos de anun­ciar que nos estare­mos pre­sen­ta­do por primera vez en la Ciu­dad de Mexico!

Quer­e­mos prac­ticar español, tocar músi­ca, y com­er mucho mucho fan­tás­ti­cos frijoles! 

Has­ta pron­to amigos!

14 Mar­zo

Aqui puedes encon­trar los bole­tos en lin­ea: https://​pro​pa​gand​hi​.bole​tia​.co…

Aqui los bil­letes en persona: 

El Gato Calav­era:
Av. Insur­gentes Sur 179, Cuauhté­moc, Hipó­dro­mo, Ciu­dad de Méx­i­co, CDMX, Mexico

Car­co­ma Records:
Av. Insur­gentes Sur 363, La Con­de­sa,
Ciu­dad de Méx­i­co, CDMX, Mexico

Jordy-boy / January 19, 2018

More Tour Dates! Come hear and smell us across the USA!

We’re hap­py to announce more dates in March with Iron Chic (who rocked the shit out of the Park The­atre up here in chilly-willy Win­nipeg last week), and our young friends, La Arma­da (who are releas­ing their next record the day before our first show in Min­neapo­lis!). Check the shows sec­tion shortly…tickets go on sale Friday..

April/​May takes us to Europe! Where might this roller­coast­er take us next?!

Quite pos­si­bly a pit-stop at the Shred­dies Flat­u­lence Fil­ter­ing Under­wear fac­to­ry!?! Me-hope-sooooooooo.…

Jordy-boy / December 5, 2017

New video: Failed Imagineer

Hel­lo, every­body! Here’s anoth­er new tune for you to check out, this one is called Failed Imag­i­neer.” Our new record Vic­to­ry Lap is out on Sep­tem­ber 29th!

The Rod / August 22, 2017