
More Tour Dates! Come hear and smell us across the USA!

We’re hap­py to announce more dates in March with Iron Chic (who rocked the shit out of the Park The­atre up here in chilly-willy Win­nipeg last week), and our young friends, La Arma­da (who are releas­ing their next record the day before our first show in Min­neapo­lis!). Check the shows sec­tion shortly…tickets go on sale Friday..

April/​May takes us to Europe! Where might this roller­coast­er take us next?!

Quite pos­si­bly a pit-stop at the Shred­dies Flat­u­lence Fil­ter­ing Under­wear fac­to­ry!?! Me-hope-sooooooooo.…

Jordy-boy / December 5, 2017

New video: Failed Imagineer

Hel­lo, every­body! Here’s anoth­er new tune for you to check out, this one is called Failed Imag­i­neer.” Our new record Vic­to­ry Lap is out on Sep­tem­ber 29th!

The Rod / August 22, 2017

North American Victory Lap P(h)arts 1 and 2!!!!

Greet­ings Phel­low Phart Lov­ing Phriends and assort­ed Phe­cal Phreaks!!! 

Gath­er your rub­ber boots and san­i­tary wipes, as we invite YOU to join US for a guar­an­teed good time on our Vic­to­ry Lap tour!! 

In Octo­ber, Leg 1A (with Iron Chic and the G.A.S. Drum­mers) will have us blast through Lon­don (ON), Toron­to and Ottawa, with time for a short pit stop in Mon­tréal to gath­er our breath and slow cook some pin­to beans. We’ll say very good! bye now!” to our pals the Gas Drum­mers; Heart­sounds will get on board; Iron Chic will invest in some gas masks, and we’ll take off on Leg 1B to spread our good cheer to the phine pholk of Wash­ing­ton DC, Philly, NYC and Boston! 

Leg 2 takes us slid­ing down the West Coast with long-time tour­ing pals RVIVR (who appar­ent­ly have zero func­tion­ing olphac­to­ry nerves remain­ing), and new acquain­tances Bad Cop/​Bad Cop (for some phree advise, see above com­ment re: gas masks). We’ll be rip­ping through mul­ti­ple pairs of soiled under­wear from Van­cou­ver-Seat­tle-Port­land-SF-Phoenix-Vegas (Vegas?! what the…)-Santa Ana-Los Ange­les!! Holy phrick, I’m already phrig­gin dizzy as all phuck!! Good thing I’ll be tak­ing the phu­nic­u­lar! (I real­ly can’t han­dle rollercoasters.…) 

Plan­ning is well under­way to take this hi-methane pow­ered machine over­seas in 2018!! 

I’m hap­py to say the trusty ol’ Pro­pa­gand­hi road crew has been on high sim­mer for weeks now…stay upwind from those guys!! I’m telling ya… 

See the Upcom­ing Shows sec­tion for more details. Tick­ets go on sale Fri­day July 28!

Any­way, I can’t wait to be crammed into a vari­ety of mov­ing tubes, huff­ing and hot­box­ing some seri­ous AAA grade phlatch with my great pals once again!!! Pheeeee-yew­ph. The smell of Vic­to­ry!! NOW!!…back to the dutch oven.…

Jordy-boy / July 25, 2017

New album and song!

We’re extreme­ly pleased to announce our upcom­ing total rager of an album enti­tled Vic­to­ry Lap. The offi­cial release date is Sep­tem­ber 29. Pre-orders are up now! Pre-orders come with a flexi disk of a very wicked extra song. We worked real­ly hard on this record and are real­ly proud of it. This record is also the debut of our new gui­tar play­er, Sulynn!

The Rod / July 22, 2017

We're playing some shows in the Untied States of American't!

Do you like apples? Well, not only are we play­ing Col­orado. Not only are we play­ing Texas. Not only are we being joined by Teenage Bot­tle­rock­et and Elway on those dates. Not only are we play­ing Flori­da. Not only are we play­ing Fest. WE ARE PLAY­ING SULYN­N’S HOME­TOWN OF TAM­PA! How you like them apples? Go here to see the dates here and grab some tix pron­to before you’re reduced to a sad lit­tle los­er stomp­ing your feet out­side the venue com­plain­ing that we’re sell-outs because we’re not play­ing your friend’s base­ment instead. 

Jesus H. Chris / August 29, 2016

Rainbow Resource Center Fundraising Shirt

Hi peo­ple. It’s your old pal Chris­sy here. So, here in our home­town of Win­nipeg, there is an impor­tant place called the Rain­bow Resource Cen­tre. It’s stat­ed mis­sion is to pro­vide sup­port, edu­ca­tion and resources to fos­ter a proud, resilient and diverse LGBT2SQ com­mu­ni­ty” and its’ vision is a soci­ety in which diverse sex­u­al and gen­der iden­ti­ties, ori­en­ta­tions and expres­sions are includ­ed, val­ued and cel­e­brat­ed as a result of our active com­mit­ment to pro­mote and main­tain dig­ni­ty, human free­doms and human rights”. Pro­pa­gand­hi shares that vision and in a small show of sol­i­dar­i­ty for it, we want to donate any and all pro­ceeds from the sale of this Today’s Empires, Tomorrow’s Ash­es-themed/ repur­posed shirt to the folks here in our neck of the woods work­ing the front-lines of an ongo­ing lib­er­a­tion strug­gle. And hey, it won’t hurt that you’ll look fuckin smokin’ in it either eh?

Jesus H. Chris / July 1, 2016