Good One Everybody! Haha! You had me there for a second!
Perusing the tearful replies to reporters questions regarding the BP spill along the US Gulf-Coast, i am confused as to why so many are apparently moved to tears over the polluting of fragile ecosystems. Is it all an elaborate joke? I mean, if people were really concerned about pollution, they would have long along stopped letting their tax dollars pay for the “single largest source of pollution in the world: the United States military”, right?
And what’s up with people crying on camera about birds soaked in oil? When did people suddenly start caring about birds? They’re kidding right? I mean, if people really cared about birds suffering prolonged and horrid deaths, they would have long ago stopped financially supporting the animal-exploitation industry every time they sit down to a meal, right?
So, haha, that was a good one guys! You almost had me there! Man, those tears looked almost real!
June 20th is World Refugee Day!
Winnipeg is celebrating a day early for good times sake! This Saturday, June 19th, come on down to the World Refugee day celebration in downtown’s Central Park. The party starts at 12:00 PM. I hope to see you there!
glen lambert challenges cokie the clown to extreme fighting match!
Ex-propagandhi guitarist vocalist Glen Lambert has issued a challenge to Cokie the Clown over alleged trademark infringement. Said Glen:
“i was depressed and pathetic back in 2004, way before anybody else was doing it. The band NOFX even wrote a (terrible) song about how depressed and pathetic i was. Then this fucking clown comes along out of nowhere 4 years later, acting all depressed and pathetic. Coincidence? Well, this town is only big enough for one depressing and pathetic clown, and that’s me, Glen Lambert. So i’m issuing a public challenge to Cokie: meet me in the octagon. Three 1‑minute rounds. No holds barred. The loser apologizes publicly for stealing the other guys gimmick and pays the winner a whole shitload of money. I’m serious about this. I’ve been taping cutlery together and doing arm-curls for the past 4 hours. I’m fucking ripped. Rich people interested in organizing this event please get in touch with my manager, Murray Moon. Oh, and heres a tip Cokie: real clowns don’t wear make-up.”
The opinions expressed by Glen Lambert are those of Glen Lambert and not those of the parent corporation (Propagandhi, Inc) that fired him for incessant weirdness.
Chris Hedge's Columns
Chris Hedge’s writes a column every monday for the website called Truthdig. Here’s where you can find them. Often terrifying, always interesting.
Hot Lixx Hulahan is at it again!
Hot Lixx here.
I'll Have the Cock Please! I Mean Chicken.
If they do a human-flesh version of this, you can count me in! Especially if they do custom orders: “I’ll take one leg-of-Stephen-Harper and, let’s see, a dozen Glenn Beck Testicles. Actually, you better make that two-dozen. They’re pretty small.”