
Good One Everybody! Haha! You had me there for a second!

Perus­ing the tear­ful replies to reporters ques­tions regard­ing the BP spill along the US Gulf-Coast, i am con­fused as to why so many are appar­ent­ly moved to tears over the pol­lut­ing of frag­ile ecosys­tems. Is it all an elab­o­rate joke? I mean, if peo­ple were real­ly con­cerned about pol­lu­tion, they would have long along stopped let­ting their tax dol­lars pay for the sin­gle largest source of pol­lu­tion in the world: the Unit­ed States mil­i­tary”, right?

And what’s up with peo­ple cry­ing on cam­era about birds soaked in oil? When did peo­ple sud­den­ly start car­ing about birds? They’re kid­ding right? I mean, if peo­ple real­ly cared about birds suf­fer­ing pro­longed and hor­rid deaths, they would have long ago stopped finan­cial­ly sup­port­ing the ani­mal-exploita­tion indus­try every time they sit down to a meal, right?

So, haha, that was a good one guys! You almost had me there! Man, those tears looked almost real!

Jesus H. Chris / June 18, 2010

June 20th is World Refugee Day!

Win­nipeg is cel­e­brat­ing a day ear­ly for good times sake! This Sat­ur­day, June 19th, come on down to the World Refugee day cel­e­bra­tion in down­town’s Cen­tral Park. The par­ty starts at 12:00 PM. I hope to see you there!

The Rod / June 15, 2010

glen lambert challenges cokie the clown to extreme fighting match!

Ex-pro­pa­gand­hi gui­tarist vocal­ist Glen Lam­bert has issued a chal­lenge to Cok­ie the Clown over alleged trade­mark infringe­ment. Said Glen: 

i was depressed and pathet­ic back in 2004, way before any­body else was doing it. The band NOFX even wrote a (ter­ri­ble) song about how depressed and pathet­ic i was. Then this fuck­ing clown comes along out of nowhere 4 years lat­er, act­ing all depressed and pathet­ic. Coin­ci­dence? Well, this town is only big enough for one depress­ing and pathet­ic clown, and that’s me, Glen Lam­bert. So i’m issu­ing a pub­lic chal­lenge to Cok­ie: meet me in the octa­gon. Three 1‑minute rounds. No holds barred. The los­er apol­o­gizes pub­licly for steal­ing the oth­er guys gim­mick and pays the win­ner a whole shit­load of mon­ey. I’m seri­ous about this. I’ve been tap­ing cut­lery togeth­er and doing arm-curls for the past 4 hours. I’m fuck­ing ripped. Rich peo­ple inter­est­ed in orga­niz­ing this event please get in touch with my man­ag­er, Mur­ray Moon. Oh, and heres a tip Cok­ie: real clowns don’t wear make-up.”

The opin­ions expressed by Glen Lam­bert are those of Glen Lam­bert and not those of the par­ent cor­po­ra­tion (Pro­pa­gand­hi, Inc) that fired him for inces­sant weirdness. 

Jesus H. Chris / June 15, 2010

Chris Hedge's Columns

Chris Hedge’s writes a col­umn every mon­day for the web­site called Truthdig. Here’s where you can find them. Often ter­ri­fy­ing, always interesting. 

Jesus H. Chris / June 12, 2010

Hot Lixx Hulahan is at it again!

Hot Lixx here.

The Rod / June 8, 2010

I'll Have the Cock Please! I Mean Chicken.

If they do a human-flesh ver­sion of this, you can count me in! Espe­cial­ly if they do cus­tom orders: I’ll take one leg-of-Stephen-Harp­er and, let’s see, a dozen Glenn Beck Tes­ti­cles. Actu­al­ly, you bet­ter make that two-dozen. They’re pret­ty small.” 

Jesus H. Chris / June 7, 2010