
What's Good for the Goose is Good for the Gander -- I Mean Turkey.

A sim­ple reminder that dis­place­ment and repres­sion are the gen­er­al rules of all states, no mat­ter how sanc­ti­mo­nious they get over impor­tant cur­rent events. 

Jesus H. Chris / June 6, 2010

Insert Niemoller Quote Here

For any­one fol­low­ing the sto­ry of Toron­to Pride orga­niz­ers ban­ning an anti-apartheid orga­ni­za­tion from their parade, you may not be entire­ly sur­prised to learn that many gays and les­bians are actu­al­ly in favor of free polit­i­cal expres­sion. Go figure. 

Jesus H. Chris / June 4, 2010

Israel Shoots Self in Foot: Takes 19 Civilians with Them.

Dear Israeli-extrem­ist-apol­o­gist-weasels in the Cana­di­an media: you might want to hold off a few extra min­utes this morn­ing before fil­ing your typ­i­cal pathet­ic ass-lick­ings of Ben­jamin Netanyahu and the bel­liger­ent apartheid state he oozed out of. 

What’s that old say­ing? Those who would make peace­ful protest impos­si­ble will make vio­lent rev­o­lu­tion inevitable”? 

Jesus H. Chris / May 31, 2010

Mass Murderers "Unprofessional", says US Army

Hey, if i kill 30 civil­ians, can i get off with a rep­ri­mand” too?

Jesus H. Chris / May 29, 2010

It's all over.

Howdy part­ners. How’s it going eh? 

When Jordy-Boy isn’t busy dodg­ing bul­lets over on Toron­to Street, we con­tin­ue to dig deep down here in the lab, seek­ing new ways to pound, pum­mel and oth­er­wise tit­il­late the Pro­pa­gand­hi lis­ten­ing public. 

In oth­er news, you know that when Gary Cole­man going to the hos­pi­tal or the Cana­di­an debut of the colos­sal­ly stu­pid iPad are much big­ger mat­ters of pub­lic inter­est than, say, this or this or this, it’s all over. You know that right? It’s all over. 

Jesus H. Chris / May 28, 2010