

Hey there par­ty peo­ple, how’s it going eh? 

So for much of this year we’ve been try­ing to coor­di­nate or tours with the peo­ple from the Rain­for­est Action Net­work who are in turn hooked up with region­al indige­nous activists try­ing to draw the pub­lic’s atten­tion to the most destruc­tive project on the plan­et: the tar sands in north­ern Alberta. 

They’ve com­piled a short video that we’re hop­ing you will not only watch, but help spread around to your com­mu­ni­ty of friends, fam­i­ly and acquain­tances. The goal is to put pres­sure on the Roy­al Bank of Cana­da (the largest investor in the eco­ci­dal tar sands project) to stop pour­ing mon­ey into this insanity. 

Alright peeps, let’s get to it! 

(I apol­o­gize in advance for hav­ing to look at my stu­pid face and lis­ten to my stu­pid voice in this video. I also don’t real­ly think Beave is a moron. It just seemed fun­ny at the time. Sor­ry Beave. I’ll let you punch me in the nuts for Christ­mas buddy)

Jesus H. Chris / November 20, 2009

Benefit Show Was A Success/Oi Polloi added to Edinburgh show!

Last week­ends show with Sac­ri­fice was amaz­ing and, along­side hav­ing a great time, we raised $1000 dol­lars for Sage House, $500 for Sis­ters In Spir­it, 500$ for WAVE, and $500 for The Haiti Action Net­work. Rad! Thanks to every­one for com­ing out to the par­ty, it was a dream come true for us.

Our west coast tour with Rebel Spell was a great time and play­ing with Mil­lions Of Dead Cops in Port­land and Seat­tle was a total thrill for us!

As we con­tin­ue our quest to play with bands that rule, we are very hap­py to announce that the mighty OI POL­LOI will be play­ing in Edin­burgh, Scot­land with us, Protest The Hero, and Strike Any­where! What a show!

Afghan wom­en’s rights activist Malalai Joya will begin a tour across Cana­da tour for her book A Woman Among War­lords” start­ing in Vic­to­ria on Novem­ber 13th. She will be in Win­nipeg on Novem­ber 16th..She’s one of the most courageous(I mean it) peo­ple on earth. I hope you’ll go see her speak if you get the chance.

She is also speak­ing in the US the dates are here. She is in Berke­ly right now as we speak!

Long live the loud!

The Rod / November 8, 2009

Dear Coaches Corner...

Here is a small exam­ple of Don Cher­ry, a com­men­ta­tor for Hock­ey Night In Cana­da, par­tic­i­pat­ing in the absurd war pro­pa­gan­da that we talk about in the song Dear Coach­es Corner.”


The Rod / November 3, 2009

Propagandhi to play with SACRIFICE!

Win­nipeg, Man­i­to­ba, Novem­ber 7th2009!

We are play­ing with Sac­ri­fice, Strik­er, and Evil Sur­vives. One night only! This show is going to be amaz­ing! We have basi­cal­ly dreamed of this chance to play with SAC­RI­FICE for over 20 years.

To ben­e­fit some great local orga­ni­za­tions, and so we do not sul­ly our evening of thrash­ing with the stink of mon­ey, we will be donat­ing our por­tion of the shows pro­ceeds to :

Cana­da Haiti Action Network

Sage House

Sis­ters in Spirit

Wednes­day we begin our jour­ney to Saska­toon for the first show of our West­ern Cana­di­an tour. We’re play­ing with some awe­some bands on this jour­ney so show up ear­ly to see them all. We’ll also be head­ing down to Seat­tle and Port­land to play with the leg­endary MDC! It should be great! The final stop of the trip will be Cal­gary, Alber­ta on Hal­loween! Make sure you bring your cos­tume! No, not your usu­al punk out­fit, a Hal­loween cos­tume! Ha!

The Rain For­est Action Net­work will be accom­pa­ny­ing us to the shows so stop by their table and see what’s up.

In Decem­ber we will be head­ing to the Uk and Ire­land for a few shows with Protest the Hero, and Strike Any­where! We’re look­ing for­ward to this extrav­a­gan­za of total wildness!

Beyond that, we’ve been hard at work on a bunch of new songs which are sound­ing great so far!

All is well…except my aching neck!

The Rod / October 19, 2009

Chris Hedges "Empire of Illusion" at 91 Albert St

Win­nipeg­gers are request­ed to get down to 91 Albert Street (3rd floor) tomor­row night (Octo­ber 14th) to hear Pulitzer Prize win­ning author Chris Hedges speak about his new book Empire of Illu­sion”. It’s the place to be. See you there!

Jesus H. Chris / October 13, 2009

Você fala português?

Our Brazil­ian friend, Eri­ca, trans­lat­ed some Pro­pa­gand­hi lyrics into Por­tuguese! They can be found here:


The Rod / September 27, 2009