
Democracy Now! Dot OH ARE GEE

Hel­lo, Everybody!

I hope you’re all hav­ing a good week and rock­ing hard! I know we have a link to them on our site already but I’d like to point my extra spe­cial fin­ger towards an awe­some radio pro­gram called  Democ­ra­cy Now! It’s got some real­ly insight­ful inter­views and a great world news report. Since the major cor­po­rate news broad­casts are anchored by a bunch of tough-guy-wannabes who just yell at peo­ple and the news” is eclipsed by updates regard­ing Brit­ney Spears weight fluc­tu­a­tions, Democ­ra­cy Now is a great place to hear some­thing worthwhile.

There’s only one month left until the Pro­pa­gand­hi stam­pede of Wesern Cana­da, Seat­tle and Port­land!!! We’re get­ting read­ier and read­ier and more ready EVERYDAY!!!!

We also have what appears to be at least 8 or 9 new songs in the works!! We’re real­ly excit­ed about what’s being going down thus far!! Hope­ful­ly, we’ll have new tunes out to you before the year 2112!!!

The Rod / September 24, 2009

Playing with MDC!!!

Hel­lo, Peo­ple! We’re excit­ed to announce that we’ll be play­ing in Port­land and Seat­tle with the leg­endary MDC! About 22 years ago I trad­ed two KISS records for the first MDC record and two Exploit­ed records. These plat­ters were my first punk records. I took them down to the record play­er, which was locat­ed just across the room from where my Mom was watch­ing TV, I slapped my head­phones on, dropped the nee­dle on the MDC record and cranked up the vol­ume. When the first song start­ed my mind almost explod­ed! I was shocked! I looked over at my Mom think­ing You have got to be kid­ding!” The songs were so dif­fer­ent from the met­al bands I loved but still fast and excit­ing. The things they were say­ing were so dif­fer­ent from what I was used to. I was absolute­ly tak­en by the raw­ness and atti­tude of the band. YEAAAAH­HH!!! So, yeah! haha..on this tour we’re play­ing with MDC and a bunch of oth­er great bands like Rebel Spell, DFA, Cam­bridge, Pas­sen­ger Action, Amour Fou, Beelze­bi­son, and a cou­ple oth­ers that are yet to be added. Lat­er on in the year we’ve got a few more crazy shows to announce. We’re end­ing the year with a BANG!!!!!!!!!! YEAH!!!!!! Let’s rage!!! I got­ta split before I go over­board!!!! Don’t wor­ry we’ll nev­er let some goons turn us off heavy music, It’s our outlet.”-C.O.C. Can you feel it?!!

The Rod / September 3, 2009

Shock Waves..

Here’s a link to a great movie called Shock Waves by the Nation­al Film Board. If you are from Cana­da it is most like­ly avail­able from your local library!

The Rod / August 30, 2009

Kids From 95-Live From 95

Here’s a video of some kids from NEEDS CEN­TRE, where I used to work and still vol­un­teer, and 95 Ellen Street/​IRCOM here in Win­nipeg. They’re telling it like it they see it! They all came here to Win­nipeg as refugees with­in the last cou­ple years. It’s true what they say in the song, they’ve worked hard to be where they are. These kids are awe­some! I feel proud of these lit­tle dudes.

It’s nice to lis­ten to music that means some­thing to the musician.

From all around the world, from the war zones…”

Kids From 95-Live From 95

-The Rod.

The Rod / August 26, 2009

Empire of Illusion

Those famil­iar with this website/​band might have noticed i’m inter­est­ed in the work of Chris Hedges. He has a new book, Empire of Illu­sion. As has become cus­tom­ary, i am forced to urgent­ly rec­om­mend that the gen­er­al pub­lic attempt to obtain, com­pre­hend and act upon the analy­sis con­tained with­in its pages. Post-haste peo­ple. Time is short. 

Jesus H. Chris / August 22, 2009

Lock Up Your Grandmothers Western Canada/ Northwestern States

…cause here we come. 

Us and Van­cou­ver’s own The Rebel Spell will be charg­ing across the Rock­ies faster than the Don­ner par­ty on its way to a human luau in late Octo­ber with the sole inten­tion of rear­rang­ing your ears’ faces. It’s going to be hot. It’s going to be sick. It’s going to be out­ra­geous. It’s going to be in Octo­ber. Just like i said. 

For those of you who want to grab tick­ets in advance, we are using the local, inde­pen­dent tick­et out­let Tick­et­Work­shop, as opposed to that com­plete rip-off jack-ass behe­moth Tick­et­mas­ter, who recent­ly charged me over $10 in ser­vice fees alone to see Voivod (who ruled). That is INSAN­I­TY. That is HIGH­WAY ROB­BERY. Who the fuck does these peo­ple think they are? I mean do”.

So, to spare you the same out­rage, go over here to see the tour dates and you can find the links to Tick­et­Work­shop attached to each show. Keep in mind that if you use this ser­vice for advance tick­ets, you pick up your tick­ets the night of the show at the venue. THEY DON’T GET MAILED TO YOU!!! Trust me, it’s bet­ter this way. 

Ok ass­wipes, you bet­ter start lift­ing weights with your heads now so your neck is in shape for what promis­es to be a com­plete and utter bac­cha­nal (look it up). 

Jesus H. Chris / August 20, 2009