
I Am A Goddamn Rifle!

Today is the day my friends. In hon­our of our fall­en com­rade Todd Seri­ous of the leg­endary The Rebel Spell (see pre­vi­ous blog entry), we humbly offer this ver­sion of I Am A Rifle”. Hope you feel it like we do. 

any pro­ceeds after record­ing expens­es will go the Wildlife Defence League and/​or the Unis­toten Defence Fund, so do what you can. Todd would’ve approved. Rest in Pow­er bud. 

Jesus H. Chris / August 18, 2015

I Am A Rifle / August 18th! Mark thine calendar!!!

Hel­lo fel­low dis­be­liev­ers-that-this-polit­i­cal-sys­tem-is-tak­en-seri­ous­ly-by-the-cit­i­zen­ry, how are you today? Yeah, me too. Oh well. 

You prob­a­bly remem­ber that ear­li­er this year our friend Todd Seri­ous of Canada’s nation­al trea­sure, The Rebel Spell, shuf­fled off this mor­tal coil far too soon. Well, we want­ed to do some­thing to pay our respects to his band­mates, his friends, his fam­i­ly, his com­mu­ni­ty and espe­cial­ly his spir­it, so with the help of Bal­ti­more’s War On Women doing back­ing vocals, we record­ed a ver­sion of The Rebel Spel­l’s I Am a Rifle” here in Win­nipeg and had the fel­las at The Blast­ing Room in Ft Collins mix it. We think we did it jus­tice and we hope Erin, Elliot, Travis and Stepha think so too!

In hon­our of Tod­d’s true rebel spir­it, any pro­ceeds after record­ing expens­es will go the Wildlife Defence League and/​or the Unis­toten Defence Fund. You can help make that hap­pen on August 18th by throw­ing down some coin for it on our band­camp page or through any of the usu­al dig­i­tal down­load sus­pects, like iTunes. Thanks people! 

Jesus H. Chris / August 7, 2015

(UPDATED) Propagandhi Job Posting! Wanted: Guitarist/ Beaver Impersonator!

[UPDATE: holy fuck peo­ple, we’ve had over 400 inquiries about this in just 3 days, from all over the damn plan­et. amaz­ing and daunt­ing. this might take a while to get through, so please be patient. it seems like a lot of peo­ple are ask­ing what it is we’re look­ing for specif­i­cal­ly. i sup­pose most impor­tant­ly we’d like to see footage of folks play­ing, say, any two of the fol­low­ing songs for starters: Night Let­ters, Sta­tus Update, Dupli­cate Keys, Note to Self, Failed States. Specif­i­cal­ly Beave’s parts of course, includ­ing things like his tasty vol­ume swells, his beau­ti­ful­ly timed delays and deep-woods ambi­ence flour­ish­es (atmos­phere is a huge part of Beave’s game. If you don’t got it, you bet­ter have some­thing else wicked up your sleeve­less). It’s fine to play along to the record in your video, but we’d like to hear your gui­tar loud and clear. if you can do a ver­sion with­out any back­ing music, that would be help­ful too. If you’re feel­ing real­ly randy, throw in some of the back­ing vocals while you’re at it for extra punk points. we’d also like to see some live per­for­mance footage of you in oth­er bands if applic­a­ble. maybe tell us a lit­tle about your­self and recount your pre­vi­ous live/​tour expe­ri­ence. that kind of stuff. 

if this sounds like a lot of work, well wel­come to our world mah-fah. this ain’t a fuckin pop punk band. 

ps. if you can fig­ure the songs out per­fect­ly by ear, wow. good for you. i sure as hell could­n’t! and if you can’t either, well, sheet hap­pens sells dig­i­tal tabs of the records those songs are on and no, we don’t expect any­one to actu­al­ly buy our tabs as a pre­req­ui­site just an option if you need it and want to real­ly make a most tubu­lar impres­sion! UPDATE COM­PLETEDISENGAGE.]

hey peo­ple! well, the day we have been in denial about for years has final­ly arrived and start­ing this Sep­tem­ber (2015), our beloved Beaver won’t be able to join us on the road to melt faces with his 6 string stack attack any­more. it is a sad real­i­ty, but let’s turn these frowns upside down and whip this into an excit­ing oppor­tu­ni­ty! Do you play gui­tar? Are you famil­iar with our music? Have you felt like you’ve been liv­ing in a ding­bat-clown-idiot soci­ety since you were a lit­tle kid and always hoped your real par­ents from Rigel 7 would come res­cue you? Well, then get at us ASAP! Women are strong­ly encour­aged to apply!

Hit us up at info@​propagandhi.​com

Oper­a­tors are stand­ing by!

Jesus H. Chris / June 8, 2015

San Francisky?!? Didya drove or didya flew??

Hi plan­et of Lawrence Orbachs, Alex Trebel here. Hav­ing a nice day, are we? Good, good. So Fat Wreck Chords is hav­ing a 25th anniver­sary cel­e­bra­tion this year and in an amaz­ing stroke of luck, they for­got that we’re not on the label any­more, and they have invit­ed us to come play at it! Sa-weet! If you hap­pen to be in the Bay Area in late August, come on down to hear us only play brand new songs that no one’s ever heard before and just be a gen­er­al buz­zkill. Nnnaayyy­hh, just kid­ding. It’ll be a good time and every­body bet­ter bring their A game, cuz we won’t be fuckin around! 

Tick­ets here!

Jesus H. Chris / June 4, 2015


I’s the b’y that builds the boat! and I’s the b’y that sails her! I’s the b’y that crit­i­cizes the indus­tri­al slaugh­ter of sea life and brings them home to Liza! haha. ok, so it’s true though: we are com­ing back to Hal­i­fax and *final­ly* — after a full quar­ter of a cen­tu­ry of play­ing shows — are *final­ly* get­ting out to Da Rock to show you what we’re made of (might smell). Very excit­ed to see your leg­endary home­land St. John’s! Click here for details, scant as they may be! Until we meet my friends, keep yer ferks and starn clean and long may your jib draw! 

Jesus H. Chris / April 15, 2015

Supporting Caste on bandcamp!!!!

howdy-doo­dy there folks! I have good news and i have bad news. First, the world is a toi­let and we’re all pieces of shit. Now the bad news. Just kid­ding! Only good news today! Today, we, Pro­pa­gand­hi, have become sole pro­pri­etors of the dig­i­tal ver­sion of the world famous long-play­ing record album Sup­port­ing Caste”. Now, if you’ve ever thought to your­self self, how the hell do i go about buy­ing a Pro­pa­gand­hi record direct­ly from the band with­out a mid­dle per­son grub­bing all the mon­ey and with­out actu­al­ly hav­ing to be with­in touching/​smelling dis­tance of the pieces of garbage in the band?” well my friend your prayers have been answered! Vis­it our band­camp page and unleash your cup if it doth over­floweth. Thank you for glistening. 

Jesus H. Chris / April 7, 2015