I Heard You Singing
Over the past decade, i’ve often choked back tears while listening to the songs of Vancouver’s The Rebel Spell. It’s going to be even harder to listen to those songs now…
“It is our deepest regret to inform you all that on Saturday, March 7th, we lost our good friend and lead singer Todd Serious, also known as Todd Jenkins, in a tragic rock climbing accident. Todd influenced our lives in a way that is beyond comprehension. This is completely sudden and unexpected and we’re still processing what has happened. We’re taking a few days to figure it all out. This is pretty heavy for all of us, and a lot of people are still finding out so if you’re letting others know, please be respectful.”
Our deepest condolences to his friends, his family and the Vancouver punk scene. I imagine there will be a large hole left in the wake of this.
It is my opinion that The Rebel Spell are an unheralded national treasure, the best and last of a great tradition of true punk rock in Canada. They are one of the few modern bands i look to for inspiration. I felt a very, very strong connection to Todd’s words and his worldview. I feel grateful to have encountered him.
His spirit lives on.
RIP Todd Serious
Supporting Caste LP reissue!!!!!
Yeehaw! Eat yer grandpa! Our Supporting Caste LP is back in print! For all you Urkel’s out there, there are also limited coloured vinyl quantities, so git on yer l’il doggie and grab it while you can. BUT WAIT! THERE’S MORE! If you order now, you’ll also get a limited edition Supporting Caste t‑shirt for only double the price! Don’t be left on the bottom of the social pyramid like us. Be cool like all the other cool people in this cool, sane, healthy society and have your cool credit card ready! BUT THAT’S NOT ALL! there’s also two other new happy-go-lucky shirt designs available to let the world know how well-adjusted and amenable you are to the existing framework you have been born into. Go here and see all this cool stuff right now or else you are a traitor!
Safe Spaces, Sexual Assault, Restorative Justice: Thinking Out Loud
So, somewhere deep down on my never-ending laundry list of ideas to broach with fellow humans has long been the topic of creating “safe spaces” at shows. It was bumped up the list a notch or two a few months ago by a conversation I had with Shawna Potter of the amazing Baltimore band War On Women after a show we played together in LA wherein she suggested to me there were more things our band could do from the stage to acknowledge the audience members, specifically women, getting clobbered and pushed aside by the proverbial dude-bros. It used to come easy, berating the oafs and outright bullies, stopping songs mid-chorus to make a spectacle of the spectacle, sanctimoniously sending the meat-heads on their way never to listen to the band or consider the concept of a safe-space ever again as a result. But, for better or for worse, I’m not that person anymore and with hindsight, besides a fleeting, shallow moment of retribution for the people tired of getting trampled at shows, it ultimately changed nothing.
(Stream of consciousness folks, I’m heading somewhere with this )
More recently, this same topic of safe spaces was bumped up my laundry list a whole lot more notches by a publicly made claim (in direct relation to the controversy stirred up in the wake of our podcast discussion with the very wonderful Melissa Martin…and possible trigger warning) that Propagandhi had contributed to creating unsafe spaces at our shows in Winnipeg by allowing a man that we knew had committed a sexual assault in 1997 to play in bands that were scheduled in opening slots. (In fairness to us, by the time these bands played any opening slots at our Winnipeg shows, it was the understanding of the 3 people in our band/crew that knew about the original assault, that some sort of community mediation/restorative justice process had taken place between the survivor and offender, but we now know that we were both misinformed and in retrospect, naïve to have taken 3rd party information at face value. I’ll say this: it was certainly convenient to believe it and I’ll own that). Whatever the case, it happened: a man who committed a sexual assault was effectively sheltered from accountability and we negligently contributed to creating an unsafe space for a survivor. Clearly regrettable. I sincerely apologize for that on behalf of Propagandhi.
I’m encouraged and cautiously hopeful to now learn that both aforementioned parties are currently considering professional 3rd party mediation to hopefully find some long-awaited — is “closure” even the right word? I don’t know. Balance? I guess accountability is the prime goal. Like I say, cautiously hopeful.
So why am I telling you this? Well, I guess what’s on my mind as a result is “what now?” What do we do with this? How do we make this experience useful in educating ourselves and preventing future occurences? I’m not totally sure to be honest, but as someone who believes in what I understand to be the principles of restorative justice and that survivors have a right to feel safe, I feel like it’s appropriate to at least try so
Here’s the question I pose to you all:
What do we — I mean all of us, but specifically musicians here in the city of Winnipeg — what do we do in the future, to prevent and address the sheltering and enabling of offenders/perpetrators/abusers? What do we do to create safer spaces? How do we help support survivors? what are our obligations in trying to restore balance and peace in the wake of an assault? How do we navigate all this with no professional training as counsellors or mediators?
I have some thoughts just thoughts, mind you, not answers. Mostly confused, half-formed, perhaps sometimes malformed and often oscillating thoughts that I cautiously explore with the women in my life and my surrogate-brothers in Propagandhi but I think at this point, at the risk of appearing to surreptitiously take a step back towards the fire exit under cover of a question left hanging dramatically in the air — I do pose these questions to my fellow Winnipeggers and musicians in all earnestness and respectfully provide the following links (as introductory and imperfect as they may be) for your consideration:
What to Do
- How To Support a Friend
- Sexual Assault How To Guide
- How Do I Support Someone Who Has Been Sexually Assaulted?
Restorative Justice
- Restorative Justice
- Restorative Justice Principles and Values
- Aboriginal Restorative Justice Remedies
If you’re a fan of what we’ve done over the years, I really encourage you — like, as in grab-you-by-the-shoulders-and-look-straight-into-your-eyes kinda thing — to check this stuff out and take it back to your spaces and get the discussion going in your own circles. We live in a misogynistic society. This stuff is pervasive. I guarantee you’re going to encounter it at some point if you haven’t already. Take it from someone who has learned the hard way, for everybody’s sake, you better have some idea how to respond.
Look Over Here! Look Over Here! Look Over Here Dixie Land!
Greetings fellow corn niblets in a galactic ordure. How are you this fine fall morning? What’s that? You’re hiding in your home, concerned about an imminent attack from variously acronym-ed terrorists? Geez, aren’t we all? Well, if you’re hiding somewhere in the southern United States, make sure to venture out from your spider-hole in late December for some totally over-the-top fun and debauchery. That’s right folks, we’ll be putting the Jesus Fucking Christ on a Unicycle in Christmas this year by barreling through Texas and Florida with our pals War On Women and RVIVR. Check out the dates here!
Propagandhi, Can You Handle This? RVIVR, Can You Handle This? War on Women, Can You Handle This? I don't think you can handle this. (woo)
hello fellow slime within a rotting cosmic log, how are you this morning? Y’know, if i were you and lived in mid-eastern Canada or the Northerly Eastern Contiguous United States, i would start shuffling my social calendar to make room for the events we have scheduled to occur in August of this year (2014 if i’m not mistaken). The musical troupes known as RVIVR and War On Women will be joining us in 8 sequentially organized live engagements that will feature us bashing your fucking skulls in with the sonic equivalent of a weaponized goddamn power-washer. So grab the kids and tell grandma to shine up her best set of teeth cuz shit is just about to get real (in a couple months).
What Do California, Australia and Potemkin City Limits All Have In Common?
they all SUCK. haha just kidding.
Hello fellow self-annihilating dingbats of the planet earth! how are you this rainy Winnipeg morning?
Have you heard the Good News? Jesus is coming back! It’s true! He heard about our upcoming show at The Observatory in Santa Ana and he said to himself “Self, let’s get down off this old hickory stick and kick us some MAJOR anus!” You should come too.
Unless you live in Australia of course. In that case, STAY in Australia and we’ll come over to see you in 2 weeks, ok? ok, settled.
Oh, did you also know that Fat Wreck Chords repressed Potemkin City Limits on vinyl, which means i can no longer sell old copies on ebay for $100 a pop? Doh! Go git it l’il doggie!
Tour Dates! West Coast! Colorado! Go Mental!
Hello fellow instellar flotsam, how have you been? We have some good news for you: Jord is not pregnant. Also, we are hitting the road to come visit some of you in February and March while Beave has time off from his archery degree. Even radder is that we’ll be hitting the road with The Flatliners and our sisters/brothers in arms War On Women. it’ll be totally killer. Click on the “SHOWS” link above or just look over there — — >
Yes, we have friends. Ok, *internet* friends.
hello my european neighbors! while you’re waiting for us to come back over there, why not go check out our buds The Rebel Spell who are currently driving around your continent being the best currently existing punk band from Canada that isn’t us. Haha. Check out these tour dates and go support them. Tell them Chris sent you. Each time they hear that, they owe me a beer.
2nd Leg: Remaining UK Dates Nov 6 — Bristol @ The Red Lion w/Kilnaboy Nov 7 — Derby @ The Hairy Dog Nov 8 — Sheffield @ Riverside w/The Restarts Nov 9 — Leeds @ Temple of Doom w/The Restarts Nov 10 — London @ Grosvenor (Stockwell) w/The Restarts 3rd Leg (France/Holland w/Antillectual) Nov 13 — Paris @ La Miroiterie Nov 14 — Schwäbisch Gmünd @ Esperanza Nov 15 — Dijon @ Deep Inside Nov 16 — Blois @ Bureau Blois Nov 17 — Lille @ L’Imposture 4th Leg (Germany w/Spanner) Nov 18 — TBA! Coming soon! Nov 19 — Hamburg @ Gängeviertel Nov 20 — Potsdam @ Black Fleck Nov 21 — Dresdan @ Jugendtanz Nov 22 — Giessen @ AK44 Nov 23 — Düsseldorf @ Linkes Centrum Also, another internet buddy of ours, Jamie Kilstein, has a new comedy record out. He’s a funny guy. A vegan, pro-feminist, jiu-jitsu loving, tyranny-hating funny guy. Check it out. I don’t think he’ll buy me beers though. sad face.
The New Phone Book is Here! The New Phone Book is Here!
Hi mad, mad, mad world. I interrupt our descent into global oblivion to bring you this special announcement: you may now preorder the 20th anniversary edition of How To Clean Everything right here. Might I recommend ordering the one bundled with a copy of the How To Clean Everything guitar and bass tab book transcribed by yours truly? Why thank you. You’re too kind. Have a very nice day everyone.
European Assault Part 2 Underway!
Alright europa, a grab a Kleenex cuz we are…on our way. Look at the “shows” link for specifics. Be advised that the fine fellows of Antillectual will be joining us on most of the show. We’ll also be with Spanish legends G.A.S. Drummers in Spain, so get wicked.
Antillectual have a new record coming out right away. Check out a new song here.
alright freaks, here we come!