
Finland! Finland! Finland! Finland! FINLAND!!!!!!

bet you can’t guess where we’re play­ing in July? Finl – what? how’d you guess that?!?

yes, our ver­sion of the sum­mer fes­ti­val cir­cuit — where we trav­el the world play­ing all the great non-cor­po­rate-spon­sored musi­cal fes­ti­vals that don’t suck at the ener­gy-drunk teat of the cor­po­rate order — con­sists of one fes­ti­val. haha. oh well. we’re pret­ty stoked. Sulynn is pret­ty stoked. fin­land will be stoked. fists will be raised. heads will be banged. pants will be pooped (soundguy).

see you there on July 16th!

Jesus H. Chris / April 18, 2016

"Dear Canada..."

hi. it’s me. chris. the guy who bare­ly gives a shit about any­thing besides heavy met­al and hock­ey any­more. despite this, i do still think some things mat­ter and should change pri­or to the impend­ing glob­al melt­down our way of life” has in store for us. in the spir­it of get­ting our affairs in order before plan­e­tary self-immo­la­tion, i offer you this open let­ter to Cana­da from Ryan McMa­hon, an Anishi­naabe dad/​comedian/​writer/​media maker/​unstop­pable force liv­ing right here in our garbage city. 

Miig­wech, as they say. 

Jesus H. Chris / April 8, 2016

The Junos

is there a pro­gres­sive, pro-demo­c­ra­t­ic, pro-envi­ron­ment, anti-impe­ri­al­ist, anti-cap­i­tal­ist, pro-rec­on­cil­li­a­tion polit­i­cal par­ty in Cana­da that also promis­es to evis­cer­ate fund­ing for the arts” in this coun­try? because i’d fuckin vote for that par­ty in a new york second. 

have a nice day.

Jesus H. Chris / April 3, 2016

Please Vote Trump.

I’m seri­ous. We are hop­ing a Trump pres­i­den­cy will cause Sulynn to flee the US and claim asy­lum in Winnipeg.

In bare­ly relat­ed news, if you’d like to enjoy a trip down mem­o­ry lane to when we were a 3‑piece, i’ve put the audio for our Live From Occu­pied Ter­ri­to­ry” dvd up on our Band­Camp page if you feel like break­ing off a piece a dat. 

ok, back to mak­ing new, fuckin killer tunes. get lost. 

Jesus H. Chris / March 31, 2016

Chomsky on the Super-Rich and The Corporate Sector, Part 1 Zillion

hi. a short inter­view here with old man Chom­sky about the toi­let bowl called Amer­i­can democracy. 

ok, now back to head-bang­ing. fuck off. 

Jesus H. Chris / March 30, 2016

The Double Axe Stack Attack Is Back Jack so don't gimme no flak you domesticated bovid Himalayan yak

BEWARE ALL POSERS. We have a new friend. Her name is Sulynn. She plays an SG and she’s ready to crack some fuckin skulls with it onstage with us. What the fuck else do you need to know?!? What else mat­ters in this world?!? Well, let’s hear from the axe-slinger herself:

Hey every­one! I’m Sulynn. I’ll be respon­si­ble for adding long hair head bang­ing and stage left gui­tar riffage at Pro­pa­gand­hi shows from here on out. I’m from Tam­pa, Flori­da where I spend my days drink­ing lots of cof­fee, nerd­ing out on the gui­tar for hours, run­ning my own busi­ness teach­ing gui­tar, and squeez­ing in sweaty yoga ses­sions when I can. I feel beyond stoked to get to play with a group of guys who have influ­enced my play­ing and taste for a very long time. It’s gonna be a rad time, and I hope to get to share the expe­ri­ence with you all. Let’s rage!

That’s what the fuck i’m talk­ing about! Stay tuned for more info and shows com­ing down the pike! Yes, let’s RAGE!!

(cue Def Lep­pard’s Foolin” except singing Ah, S‑S-S-Sulynn”…also, big ups to every­one who sent in a gui­tar audi­tion over the past few months…holy moly there are a lot of good play­ers out there!)

pic by Greg Gallinger!(pic by Greg Gallinger!) Sulynn rocking (pic by Nicole Kib­ert)

Jesus H. Chris / September 30, 2015