
Tour Dates! West Coast! Colorado! Go Mental!

Hel­lo fel­low instel­lar flot­sam, how have you been? We have some good news for you: Jord is not preg­nant. Also, we are hit­ting the road to come vis­it some of you in Feb­ru­ary and March while Beave has time off from his archery degree. Even rad­der is that we’ll be hit­ting the road with The Flat­lin­ers and our sisters/​broth­ers in arms War On Women. it’ll be total­ly killer. Click on the SHOWS” link above or just look over there — — >

Jesus H. Chris / December 23, 2013

Yes, we have friends. Ok, *internet* friends.

hel­lo my euro­pean neigh­bors! while you’re wait­ing for us to come back over there, why not go check out our buds The Rebel Spell who are cur­rent­ly dri­ving around your con­ti­nent being the best cur­rent­ly exist­ing punk band from Cana­da that isn’t us. Haha. Check out these tour dates and go sup­port them. Tell them Chris sent you. Each time they hear that, they owe me a beer. 

2nd Leg: Remain­ing UK Dates Nov 6 — Bris­tol @ The Red Lion w/​Kilnaboy Nov 7 — Der­by @ The Hairy Dog Nov 8 — Sheffield @ River­side w/​The Restarts Nov 9 — Leeds @ Tem­ple of Doom w/​The Restarts Nov 10 — Lon­don @ Grosvenor (Stock­well) w/​The Restarts 3rd Leg (France/​Holland w/​Antil­lec­tu­al) Nov 13 — Paris @ La Miroi­terie Nov 14 — Schwäbisch Gmünd @ Esper­an­za Nov 15 — Dijon @ Deep Inside Nov 16 — Blois @ Bureau Blois Nov 17 — Lille @ L’Im­pos­ture 4th Leg (Ger­many w/​Span­ner) Nov 18 — TBA! Com­ing soon! Nov 19 — Ham­burg @ Gängevier­tel Nov 20 — Pots­dam @ Black Fleck Nov 21 — Dres­dan @ Jugend­tanz Nov 22 — Giessen @ AK44 Nov 23 — Düs­sel­dorf @ Linkes Cen­trum Also, anoth­er inter­net bud­dy of ours, Jamie Kil­stein, has a new com­e­dy record out. He’s a fun­ny guy. A veg­an, pro-fem­i­nist, jiu-jit­su lov­ing, tyran­ny-hat­ing fun­ny guy. Check it out. I don’t think he’ll buy me beers though. sad face. 

Jesus H. Chris / November 7, 2013

The New Phone Book is Here! The New Phone Book is Here!

Hi mad, mad, mad world. I inter­rupt our descent into glob­al obliv­ion to bring you this spe­cial announce­ment: you may now pre­order the 20th anniver­sary edi­tion of How To Clean Every­thing right here. Might I rec­om­mend order­ing the one bun­dled with a copy of the How To Clean Every­thing gui­tar and bass tab book tran­scribed by yours tru­ly? Why thank you. You’re too kind. Have a very nice day everyone. 

Jesus H. Chris / July 4, 2013

European Assault Part 2 Underway!

Alright europa, a grab a Kleenex cuz we are…on our way. Look at the shows” link for specifics. Be advised that the fine fel­lows of Antil­lec­tu­al will be join­ing us on most of the show. We’ll also be with Span­ish leg­ends G.A.S. Drum­mers in Spain, so get wicked.

Antil­lec­tu­al have a new record com­ing out right away. Check out a new song here.

alright freaks, here we come!

Jesus H. Chris / July 1, 2013

European Summer Tour 2013!

Hel­lo, Everybody!

We’re packed and ready to head off to Europe for a sum­mer of fun! Why, when we live in one of the cold­est cities in the world, we don’t go in win­ter is a bit baf­fling but We’re doing it again! We def­i­nite­ly hope to see you at a show or two; if you’re won­der­ing where you can get tick­ets online glance to the right of your screen or check out the shows” page on this very web­site for links. Thanks and see you soon.

The Rod / June 28, 2013

How To Clean Everything 20th anniversary edition! (earplugs not included)

Hel­lo my rel­a­tives. And the rest of you weirdos too. How’s it going? Alright nos­tal­gia hounds, you’re going to like this. Check out what Fat Wreck Chords is doing: 

We released Pro­pa­gand­hi’s clas­sic first album How to Clean Every­thing back in 1993 and are cel­e­brat­ing the 20th anniver­sary with a new edi­tion on August 20th! Gui­tarist Chris Han­nah explains his rea­son­ing for it, Maybe it’s the bath-salts talk­ing, but I have come believe that there is val­ue in hav­ing some­thing that haunts you until you are dead. I give you How To Clean Every­thing, the 20th anniver­sary edi­tion.” The reis­sue includes the full album (duh), the 3 out­takes that Fat Mike cut from the record, and a super rare 4‑song HTCE demo. Of course the album was re-mas­tered from the orig­i­nal ana­log reels AND, this is the neat part, we are offer­ing an exclu­sive Tab Book for the entire album! With both gui­tar and bass tran­scribed by Chris him­self, the book will be avail­able bun­dled with the reis­sue. 20 years on and these gents are still hard at work. You can catch them on tour in Europe and once a month you can lis­ten to Chris and Derek Hogue’s (from G7Escape Veloc­i­ty Radio, a month­ly pod­cast that dips into such sub­ject mat­ter as sci­ence, phi­los­o­phy, his­to­ry and ori­gins of con­scious­ness. The pod­cast has noth­ing to do with this release of course but it reminds us of the jour­ney these guys have tak­en and con­tin­ue to be as rel­e­vant today, as they were 20 years ago when they released their break­out record How To Clean Every­thing.
Stay tuned for more deets on this abom­i­na­tion of human suf­fer­ing and fun.
Jesus H. Chris / June 3, 2013