
National Lampoon's European Vacation 2013

Hel­lo fel­low brains in vats, how are you today? oh, that’s excel­lent. If you go look at the SHOWS” link up above, you will see that we have booked some Euro­pean dates with the mighty metal­lic hard­core unit Shai Hulud and the not-to-be-out-might­ied fem­i­nist hard­core punk band War On Women, who were recent­ly fea­tured on the amaz­ing, incred­i­ble, incom­pre­hen­si­ble Escape Veloc­i­ty Radio podcast.

I know we’re all still reel­ing from the dev­as­tat­ing news from Ted Nugent that his dog died, but when we are done out­pour­ing our sym­pa­thies to that great ani­mal-lover, maybe we can get Amer­i­ca back on track and go to these shows in Europe and blame gun vio­lence on gays and les­bians like we did in the good old days. Thank you.

Jesus H. Chris / December 20, 2012

Thanks and see you next year!

Greet­ings fel­low psy­cho­log­i­cal­ly-scarred mem­bers of west­ern soci­ety! I hope you are well. So, just want­ed to say thanks to every­one who helped sup­port our band of (occa­sion­al­ly) mer­ry men through­out 2012, espe­cial­ly those of you who came out to the shows and sang/​danced your faces off. Much respect to you all.

With that in mind, check out this keynote address by our friend Joshua Kahn Rus­sell, who has toured with us before, about fight­ing to win”. Food for thought!

Part One

Part Two

Jesus H. Chris / December 8, 2012

Prairie Fire!

Alright Prairie dwellers and ice attract­ed trav­ellers! We’re head­ing to Regi­na, Saska­toon, Edmon­ton, Cal­gary and Banff start­ing on Novem­ber 29th. We hope you’ll all show up to rock the show with us!

The Rod / November 20, 2012

FAILED STATES Tab Book Now Available!

Hel­lo fel­low mortals.

Final­ly, the music of the spheres has been tran­scribed for gui­tar and bass!

Todd, Chris and I, along with our friends Tim and Luke (Sheet Happens/​Protest The Hero), spent many hours going over the tunes from our new record, Failed States, to make sure that the tran­scrip­tions you get here are as close as human­ly pos­si­ble to what we actu­al­ly played in the studio.

Also includ­ed are per­for­mance notes, gear lists and – by pop­u­lar demand – lyrics, so you can fol­low along more eas­i­ly. Go here for more details.

Hope you dig it!

The Beaver / October 22, 2012

Failed States Tab Book Coming Soon

And this time with lyrics! Check it out here.

The Rod / October 5, 2012

"Failed States" released today!

Wel­come to the new and improved Pro­pa­gand­hi web­site, which has has been over­hauled by the one and only Derek Hog” Hogue! It’s now Sep­tem­ber 4th which is the offi­cial release of the new Pro­pa­gand­hi record­ing enti­tled Failed States.” We’re real­ly excit­ed about this one and we hope you are as well!!

The Rod / September 4, 2012