
Where Quantity Is Job #1

Where Quan­ti­ty Is Job #1

  • Release Date: November 17, 1998
  • Running Time: 72:00
  • Format: CD / Download
  • Label: G7 Welcoming Committee
Mutu­al Friend 0:45
Instru­men­tal 0:29
And We Thought Nation States Were a Bad Idea (alter­nate version) 2:27
Utter Crap Song 1:27
(I Want To See) Oka Everywhere 2:19
Chom­sky Being Smart 0:32
Haille Does Hebron 3:31
Homo­phobes Are Just Mad Cuz They Can’t Get Laid 1:41
Orig­i­nal­ly by Con­crete Blonde
Tod­d’s Incred­i­bly Pro­fes­sion­al Sta­tion ID for 4ZZZ Brisbane 0:17
Con­test Song 2:14
Firestorm, My Ass 1:02
Refus­ing to Be A Man (alter­nate version) 3:14
Resist­ing Tyran­ni­cal Gov­ern­ment (alter­nate version) 2:25
Laplante Song (live) 1:48
Leg-Hold Trap (live) 4:37
Laplante/​Smith Song (live) 3:00
White, Proud and Stupid 3:19
Fine Day 2:53
Stand Up and Be Counted
Orig­i­nal­ly by Venom
Pigs Will Pay (live) 2:13
Gov­ern­ment Car­toons (live) 3:32
Anti-Man­i­festo (live) 4:00
Less Talk, More Rock (live) 1:36
Gam­ble (Live)
Orig­i­nal­ly by Low­est of the Low
Ska Sucks (live) 1:48
Orig­i­nal­ly by Sud­den Impact
Degras­si Junior High Drop-Outs 1:36
Hid­den Curriculum 1:04
The Van Lament 3:49