
World Day for Lab Animals

Of par­tic­u­lar inter­est to our friends in the UK: http://​www​.wdail​.org/

Jesus H. Chris / April 5, 2011

Vancouver and Winnipeg Haiti Solidarity Groups Host Partners in Health Speaker This Week

While many char­i­ties pose as lit­tle more than unsight­ly and foul-smelling band aids for inter­na­tion­al cap­i­tal, the sol­i­dar­i­ty-based inter­na­tion­al­ist project known as Part­ners in Health is most cer­tain­ly not of that kind.

We’re very excit­ed to have the oppor­tu­ni­ty to host Don­na Bar­ry, the Direc­tor of Advo­ca­cy and Pol­i­cy for Part­ners in Health, in Van­cou­ver (March 2223), and in Win­nipeg (March 2425) for speak­ing engage­ments relat­ed to post-earth­quake health issues in Haiti. Admis­sion to all events are free. More info can be found here:


More info about Part­ners in Health and Haiti can be found here:


Jordy-boy / March 21, 2011


Hey, our pals in Protest the Hero have a new record com­ing out that you can stream here. Fuck, can these boys play. It’s absurd. In my con­tin­u­ing attempt to hitch my wag­on to oth­er bands stars, check out the 3 sec­onds — lit­er­al­ly, 3 sec­onds — of me attempt­ing to not sound like Tiny Tim on the last track, enti­tled Sex Tapes”. Appro­pri­ate­ly, the song is about peo­ple jerk­ing off to naked pic­tures on the inter­net, of which i have been con­tin­u­ous­ly accused of FOR NO REA­SON AT ALL

Jesus H. Chris / March 15, 2011

The Banger's Embrace II

Check out this most awe­some of inter­views with Rob Urbinati of the mighty Sac­ri­fice (sub­jects of our song The Banger’s Embrace”), giv­ing the straight goods on their place in Cana­di­an heavy met­al his­to­ry. This inter­view actu­al­ly brought joy to our lives! And Go Leafs Go!

Jesus H. Chris / March 10, 2011

Call * Response

Our pal Nathan The Ter­ror” Terin has put togeth­er a pret­ty neat (and pro­fes­sion­al!) LP-sized book of pho­tos and sto­ries about the Win­nipeg music-scene, past and present. Of par­tic­u­lar note/​enjoy­ment is the fact that every pic­ture of Pro­pa­gand­hi in it has Beave cut out of the frame…except one where you get a real nice view of his buns. Haha. It’s a fundrais­er for a nation­al youth-coun­selling phone ser­vice, so if you’re inter­est­ed, go here and pick one up! Good work Nathan! 

Jesus H. Chris / February 22, 2011

Australian Tourdates Announced!

Secret inter­nal cables released ear­ly Mon­day morn­ing by con­tro­ver­sial whis­tle-blow­er web­site Wik­ileaks, have pro­voked an unprece­dent­ed 694-day debate in Aus­tralian Parliament.

The cables sug­gest, con­trary to pub­lic pro­nounce­ments from the Gillard gov­ern­ment, that the unbe­liev­ably good look­ing Cana­di­an hard rock band Pro­pa­gand­hi have no time-line for with­draw­al from their extreme­ly unpop­u­lar mis­sion in Australia.

Pro­pa­gand­hi have warned against hand­ing over respon­si­bil­i­ty for secu­ri­ty in Aus­tralia to any of the com­plete­ly self-serv­ing total ass­holes that tend to get involved in fed­er­al pol­i­tics in the first place, insist­ing the tran­si­tion must be tai­lored to the con­di­tions on the ground.

Quot­ed in the heav­i­ly-redact­ed doc­u­ments is Pro­pa­gand­hi’s Min­is­ter of Agri­cul­ture, Jor­dan D. Samolesky, who states that Pro­pa­gand­hi will not aban­don Aus­tralia. Pro­pa­gand­hi will not allow Aus­tralia to become a haven for ter­ror­ists. Pro­pa­gand­hi will remain engaged in Aus­tralia until every­one is either dead, maimed or incar­cer­at­ed. Only then can democ­ra­cy and free­dom pre­vail. Now let us blaze!”

See either the Shows” link above or the Upcom­ing Shows” thing to the right for more info. Don’t say we nev­er give you a wide range of redun­dant choic­es to see the details of our tour-dates.

Jesus H. Chris / February 21, 2011