Propagandhi Podcast(e) Episode #2
Click here to regret the next 55 minutes of your life.
Propagandhi tour date announcement. Recording updates. Beave brags about how awesome his guitar is. Todd explains why he can’t sleep. We interview a former Sudanese refugee about what’s going on in his homeland and why we it should matter to those of us over here in DisneyPunkland.
Featuring music by Sacrifice, Deadstoolpigeon, Bob Marley and the Nels Cline Trio. Giv’er!
Prairie Artists Against Enbridge
Hello friends and neighbours. Please pass this on to anyone who you think might be interested:
Prairie Artists Against Enbridge includes some of Canada’s finest bands and cultural workers, a governor general’s award-winning novelist, and a former Winnipeg Blue Bomber. They all attached their names to a letter, delivered today to the National Arts Centre, protesting Enbridge Pipeline’s sponsorship of its upcoming Prairie Scene! Festival to be held in Ottawa from April 6th to May 8th, 2011. The letter is endorsed by such notable NGO’s as the Indigenous Environmental Network, Sierra Club Prairie, the Rainforest Action Network, Dogwood Initiative, Corporate Ethics International and the Polaris Institute.
For more information or media inquiries, contact:
January 25th/2011 Mr. Christopher Dearlove/Ms. Rosemary Thompson National Arts Centre P.O. Box 1534, Stn B Ottawa, Ontario Canada K1P 5W1 “Art gives people a language by which they can understand themselves and their society and the corporate power structure is determined to make sure artists speak in a language that does not threaten their entitlement.” ‑Chris Hedges, Pulitzer Prize Winning Author Dear Mr. Dearlove and Ms. Thompson, We, the undersigned artists, musicians and performers of Manitoba and Saskatchewan respectfully request that the National Arts Centre reconsider its decision to partner with Enbridge Pipelines as a Prairie Scene! festival sponsor. As Canada’s foremost showcase for the performing arts, the National Arts Centre should choose sponsors that help to promote its values as an innovator in community programming. Partnering with Enbridge Pipelines tarnishes that image with the company’s disastrous environmental record. On July 26 2010, an Enbridge pipeline ruptured from unknown causes, gushing tar sands oil into a nearby creek for several hours before Enbridge contacted state authorities and shut off the flow. The EPA reports 1 million gallons of this dirty oil fouled more than 24 miles of Michigan’s Kalamazoo River, posing a threat to nearby Lake Michigan. Cleanup crews are still working hard to save Canada geese, muskrats, and other wildlife poisoned by the spill. The preventable disaster may be the worst oil spill in U.S. Midwest history. Despite the spill, Enbridge Piplelines is still pushing for approval of a new 1,200 km pipeline to carry tar sands crude from Edmonton, Alberta to Kitimat, BC. The project, opposed by a wide coalition of aboriginal communities and businesses located along the pipeline corridor, would put Canada’s most sensitive wild salmon rivers at risk. By associating with Enbridge, The National Arts Centre associates itself with the company’s irresponsible corporate behavior. For the sake of the Centre’s good reputation and for the sake of our environment, we urge you to reconsider partnering with Enbridge as a 2011 Prairie Scene! Festival Sponsor. Thank you, Prairie Artists Against Enbridge: Mike Alexander Musician Brad Bellegard Musician Rob Bos Artist Craig Boychuk Musician/Producer Burnthe8track Band Susie Burpee Choreographer/Dancer Comeback Kid Band Shawna Dempsey and Lorri Milan Performance Artists Christine Fellows Musician Danny Fernandez Musician Eric Galbraith Musician Noam Gonick Filmmaker Dagan Harding Musician Head Hits Concrete — Band Derek Hogue Designer Reghan Hincliffe Musician Charley Justice — Musician Jonak Krieser Musician Pimpton Musician Greg Macpherson Musician Mama Cutsworth DJ Chris Merk Musician Robb Morrison Sound Engineer/Producer The Paperbacks Band Joel Passmore Musician Pip Skid Musician Propagandhi Band Riva Racette Musician Andrea Roberts Musician Wolbachia — Band Thomas Roussin Musician Deborah Schnitzer Writer/Educator Kerri Senkow Musician Leo Sepulveda Musician Ramiro Sepulveda Musician Brad Skibinsky Musician Miriam Toews Novelist Molten Lava — Band Volcanoeless in Canada Band The Weakerthans Band Ila Wenus Musician Troy Westwood Musician/Athlete This petition is endorsed by the Indigenous Environmental Network, Sierra Club Prairie, the Rainforest Action Network, Dogwood Initiative, Corporate Ethics International and the Polaris Institute.
RIP Reid English
A kind fella just let us know via email the sad news that Reid English of the legendary Toronto hardcore band Sudden Impact shuffled off this mortal coil recently. They were another highly influential band for us back when we were starting out. I remember the day me and Jordy-Boy took the Greyhound into Winnipeg in 1985 and picked up their “No Rest From the Wicked” LP along with a little LP called “Torment in Fire” by a then-brand-new band called Sacrifice. It’s was one of the few records from the era that truly stood the test of time. Gonna crank it tonight and Get Bent. RIP Reid.
Hmmm, I Wonder How Much Worse Cholera is Than the Flu??!!
Hey Friendly People of Planet Earth,
Well, here I am, poor me, dealing with the flu for the 5th consecutive day, in the confines of my poop-bedded (whoops!) home in Winnipeg. The worst illness I’ve had to confront in 15 years, man-o-man alive, I feel like crap. Sweats, chills, leaking snot, sneezing, coughing up yellow gunk, eyes that feel like Marty Feldmans’ looked, etc, etc.…yes, apparently it’s “flu season” in our rotten and nasty country once again.
Being a huge suck at times like this, I moan and groan in the comfort of my bed. I have a tub that I can fill with hot water whenever i please. I have a high quality in-house water purifier and can drink as much as I want, whenever I want. Someone special is nearby to bring me tea (and then to pause and ask a question in a strictly abstract theoretical, non-literal way, “Honny, did you poop the bed??” (groan…!). I have very little appetite, but know when it returns, there’s food in a working refrigerator downstairs. I can pass the time listening to music on the radio, diddling the internet, or watching hateful nonsense on television. (Sarah Palin!! What the fuck! We need to re-lock and reload against these right wing freaks!! Don’t we?? At the ballot box is what i mean, of course, right?!!.….uhh, yeah! with votes! go democracy!…sheesh). I sit, taking crappy pills that I don’t want to take, but do anyway, because my head and body ache so bad I can’t even sleep at night. Woe is me!!
Now imagine being in a place, where you might be lucky enough to have a blanket that keeps you warm at night. Your roof is a tarp, and the floor turns to mud when it rains. You’ve been living like this for a year, and have been told that more help is on the way, but you’re not confident in the people delivering the message. You don’t even have access to clean water. In fact the water might make you deathly ill. Access to food is questionable, and is a concern every day, day after day after day after day. An occupation force that’s better equipped to repress the poor masses than to assist in the plight of the people has introduced cholera to major sources of water that are heavily depended upon. The international “community” has recently staged farcical elections there, but the largest party in the country has been excluded, along with another 18 or so… “Democracy” has tended to come from outside and above, which assists in transnational exploitation and the interests of the domestic elite; when it comes from below, well, the community organizations representing the poor majority are historically met with brutal, deadly force, and are pushed into hiding or underground. The prevailing government has little power, and does little to alleviate the suffering. The multitude of countless NGO’s have more power, and sometimes do a few things here and there to alleviate suffering, but can’t get their shit together to do anything beyond that. Imagine having the flu there!! Imagine contracting CHOLERA there!! Imagine walking for hours with hardly any food in your gut to cast a ballot in an election you know is a selection by the international “community”, stepping over dead bodies of people who had cholera and weren’t lucky enough to get treatment by the internationals, only to get there and realize the polling station doesn’t even exist. IMAGINE THAT!! It’s been one year since the catastrophic earthquake in Haiti. Some internationalist organizations such as Partners in Health and the Cuban Medical Brigade and others are doing excellent, respectful, and extremely valuable work there and are definitely worthy of support. The Canada-Haiti Action Network is holding events across Canada over the course of January to bring attention to the unjust situation there. Info can be found here: Additional independent media sites uncorrupted by corporate affiliation can be viewed here: .…oh yeah, if anyone happens to have access to Bill Clinton, spit in his face for me. Aim for his mouth, or his eyes. Of course, I mean that figuratively, not literally.….
Public Forum, Thursday Jan 13th: Examining the Continuing Disaster in Haiti
When Jordy-Boy isn’t instantly cracking unbelievably expensive 19″ crash cymbals here in the basement, he works with the Winnipeg-Haiti Solidarity Group, who are related to the Canada Haiti Action Network.
Next Thursday, Jan 13th, 7PM, at the Rudolph Rocker Cultural Center at 91 Albert St, 3rd Floor, they are presenting:
A Public Forum: Examining the Continuing Disaster in Haiti. A year after the earthquake in Haiti, the country faces many challenges that are socially imposed. From the ongoing UN occupation and the emergence of cholera, to failed aid models, to sham elections that refuse to allow Haiti’s largest political party participation, Canadians have many reasons to be concerned about what is being done there under the rubric of humanitarianism. Please join us for a short presentation and for an open discussion. Admission is FREE!!!All those believing that Canada is acting as a benign force for democracy are strongly encouraged to attend.
Capital Givers/ Takers Record
Hey, check out this free download of this record i mixed/mastered recently for a great band from Long Island NY called Capital. Cheers to these guys for letting me get in on it!