
Guilt Parade

The Cana­di­an band Guilt Parade was one of the bands that real­ly influ­enced us back in the late 80’s when we were find­ing our feet — we always thought they bridged the gap between the punk bands we liked and the met­al bands we wor­shipped, with­out real­ly belong­ing to either genre”. If you lis­ten to their LP Copro­pho­bia” and then lis­ten to all of our ear­ly record­ings, it’s pret­ty obvi­ous we essen­tial­ly want­ed to be Guilt Parade. Still do actu­al­ly! So this is a pret­ty awe­some thing to read. Thanks to Ian for send­ing the link!

Jesus H. Chris / December 26, 2010

Propagandhi Podcast Episode #1

Click here to regret the next 39 min­utes of your life to download. 

Jesus H. Chris / December 21, 2010

Official Release Day!

Today, Decem­ber 10th, marks the offi­cial release of both the incred­i­ble Sacrifice/​pro­pa­gand­hi split 7 and the New Kitchen Tra­di­tions com­mu­ni­ty veg­an cook­book! Joy to the world! The Lord is…come??

Jesus H. Chris / December 10, 2010

Planet's Biggest Goofs Getting Clowned

As per Znet:

Wik­ileaks began on Sun­day Novem­ber 28th pub­lish­ing 251,287 leaked Unit­ed States embassy cables, the largest set of con­fi­den­tial doc­u­ments ever to be released into the pub­lic domain. The doc­u­ments will give peo­ple around the world an unprece­dent­ed insight into US Gov­ern­ment for­eign activities.

See them here.

If you are still fool enough to believe this sys­tem does­n’t reek like fetid plop, maybe these doc­u­ments will help you see the light.

Gov­ern­ment offi­cials are of course spin­ning this as if cit­i­zens are doing some­thing wrong by shar­ing these, but if these goofs don’t want to get caught lying and con­niv­ing and plot­ting and deceiv­ing, then DON’T FUCKIN LIE AND CON­NIVE AND PLOT AND DECEIVE. Don’t treat the world like it’s one giant game of Risk. 

Any­one else notice a lot of politi­cians pulling sur­prise res­ig­na­tions in the past 6 months? yeah, me too. 

Jesus H. Chris / November 29, 2010

Angela James Blazes Into the Hockey Hall of Fame

The lat­est issue of The Domin­ion has a cool fea­ture on Angela James, the first women to be induct­ed into the Hock­ey Hall of Fame. Hey, it only took 65 years! 

Jesus H. Chris / November 24, 2010

Propagandhi in Print 2: New Kitchen Traditions Vegan Cookbook

I think these are only being sold here in Win­nipeg for now, but if any­one in town is inter­est­ed in a great DIY veg­an cook­book that, in addi­tion to many oth­er con­trib­u­tors, fea­tures recipes from me, Todd, Jord and Beave, check this out: 

New Kitchen Tra­di­tions is a Win­nipeg-made, veg­an cook­book, with all pro­ceeds going to D’Ar­cy’s Ani­mal Res­cue Cen­tre, and is ready for pre-order! It fea­tures 115 recipes from almost 50 con­trib­u­tors with 17 colour pho­tos. Includ­ing recipes like, Spicy Mock Duck Stir-Fry, Grand­ma Nel­lie’s Piero­gies, Creamy” Dill Pota­to Sal­ad, Wild Rice Sal­ad, Men­non­ite Pas­ka, The Holy Grail of Piz­za Doughs, Apple Spelt Pan­cakes, Coconut Lime Lay­er Cake, Fruit Piz­za, and more. To order, please e‑mail newkitchentraditions@​gmail.​com
Includ­ed is my trade­mark dish: African Speed Met­al Stew, so you know you got­ta have it.
Jesus H. Chris / November 17, 2010