Propagandhi in Print 1: European Journal of American Studies
Wow, it took us 24 years, but we finally did it: we finally got mentioned in the European Journal of American Studies, which, of couse, like most young bangers relentlessly playing with themselves in the 80’s, we have dreamed of since we were kids.
But seriously, this is an interesting paper, and not only because its author, Professor Frederick Gagnon of the University of Quebec’s Political Science Department (and Director of the Center for United States Studies of the Raoul Dandurand Chair…for those keeping score), quotes some of our lyrics in the introduction! In it, Gagnon considers the connection between video games and militarism in our society and its conclusions are a cause for concern for any sane citizen who is counting on the next generation to turn the war machine off.
Check it out here while die jugend marschiert.
"I hate adults and all that adulthood represents..."
i couldn’t have put it any better myself, so let us take heed of the candid remarks of resident bizarro-savant Todd the Rod Kowalski as seen here in Kite magazine.
Let's Try This Again...Who's Putting Out Our Next Record?
Don’t make us do it ourselves. We’ve all seen what happens when we’re left in charge of things. I know, the industry is in a tailspin and the relevance of the label-band relationship is more in question than it ever has been, but there are still some things a band like us needs to make it work smoothly.
We’ve had enthusiastic, but vague inquiries from a few labels and we really appreciate that. But we’re not looking for vague. We’re not looking for nebulous “what do you guys want?” inquiries. We’re looking for a strong, specific, enthusiastic offer that lays out in detail what your organization will do for us in exchange for releasing what will certainly be our wildest record yet.
Let’s do this: pretend we’re Brian Burke. Then pretend our next record is Tomas Kaberle. Now pretend you are a middling western conference squad whose top puck-moving defenceman has just suffered a torn MCL while you are 3 points out of a playoff spot with 6 games remaining in the regular season and your fanbase is clamoring for change if you don’t make it to at least the conference finals. Pretend Kaberle (our next record) is willing to sign a 4 year contract extension at only 2 million per, meaning that if someone doesn’t blow Burke’s (our) doors off with a blockbuster offer, he (us), is not going anywhere, and you’ll be hitting the links this spring instead of hoisting The Cup, surrounded by naked ladies/men. The choice is yours.
Or something like that.
Operators are standing by.
2011 All-Star Game: Will the MLB strike out?
Our man Erick from Les Gavels is involved the the Minnesota Immigrant Rights Action Committee and put together this video concerning the “Move The Game” campaign going on in Arizona. Check it out!
Australia Welcomes Asian Refugees with Detention in For-Profit Jails -- Or by Just Allowing Them to Drown
We somehow got mentioned in the first paragraph of this Australian expose of the treatment of refugees by first-world governments and private corporations, but that is by far the least interesting/important/harrowing part of this article. A must-read.
Chris earns $2000/second as guest vocalist on Antillectual recording.
Dutch band Antillectual are currently streaming a new song called “Cut the Ground From Under Our Feet”, featuring yours truly singing about 3 1⁄2 seconds of lyrics near the end. I only charged them $7000, which is nearly half my usual rate for “guest vocals”. Sometimes i just feel really generous!