
Propagandhi in Print 1: European Journal of American Studies

Wow, it took us 24 years, but we final­ly did it: we final­ly got men­tioned in the Euro­pean Jour­nal of Amer­i­can Stud­ies, which, of couse, like most young bangers relent­less­ly play­ing with them­selves in the 80’s, we have dreamed of since we were kids. 

But seri­ous­ly, this is an inter­est­ing paper, and not only because its author, Pro­fes­sor Fred­er­ick Gagnon of the Uni­ver­si­ty of Que­bec’s Polit­i­cal Sci­ence Depart­ment (and Direc­tor of the Cen­ter for Unit­ed States Stud­ies of the Raoul Dan­durand Chair…for those keep­ing score), quotes some of our lyrics in the intro­duc­tion! In it, Gagnon con­sid­ers the con­nec­tion between video games and mil­i­tarism in our soci­ety and its con­clu­sions are a cause for con­cern for any sane cit­i­zen who is count­ing on the next gen­er­a­tion to turn the war machine off.

Check it out here while die jugend marschiert. 

Jesus H. Chris / November 17, 2010

"I hate adults and all that adulthood represents..."

i could­n’t have put it any bet­ter myself, so let us take heed of the can­did remarks of res­i­dent bizarro-savant Todd the Rod Kowal­s­ki as seen here in Kite mag­a­zine.

Jesus H. Chris / November 14, 2010

Let's Try This Again...Who's Putting Out Our Next Record?

Don’t make us do it our­selves. We’ve all seen what hap­pens when we’re left in charge of things. I know, the indus­try is in a tail­spin and the rel­e­vance of the label-band rela­tion­ship is more in ques­tion than it ever has been, but there are still some things a band like us needs to make it work smoothly. 

We’ve had enthu­si­as­tic, but vague inquiries from a few labels and we real­ly appre­ci­ate that. But we’re not look­ing for vague. We’re not look­ing for neb­u­lous what do you guys want?” inquiries. We’re look­ing for a strong, spe­cif­ic, enthu­si­as­tic offer that lays out in detail what your orga­ni­za­tion will do for us in exchange for releas­ing what will cer­tain­ly be our wildest record yet. 

Let’s do this: pre­tend we’re Bri­an Burke. Then pre­tend our next record is Tomas Kaber­le. Now pre­tend you are a mid­dling west­ern con­fer­ence squad whose top puck-mov­ing defence­man has just suf­fered a torn MCL while you are 3 points out of a play­off spot with 6 games remain­ing in the reg­u­lar sea­son and your fan­base is clam­or­ing for change if you don’t make it to at least the con­fer­ence finals. Pre­tend Kaber­le (our next record) is will­ing to sign a 4 year con­tract exten­sion at only 2 mil­lion per, mean­ing that if some­one does­n’t blow Burke’s (our) doors off with a block­buster offer, he (us), is not going any­where, and you’ll be hit­ting the links this spring instead of hoist­ing The Cup, sur­round­ed by naked ladies/​men. The choice is yours. 

Or some­thing like that. 

Oper­a­tors are stand­ing by. 

Jesus H. Chris / November 4, 2010

2011 All-Star Game: Will the MLB strike out?

Our man Erick from Les Gavels is involved the the Min­neso­ta Immi­grant Rights Action Com­mit­tee and put togeth­er this video con­cern­ing the Move The Game” cam­paign going on in Ari­zona. Check it out!

Jesus H. Chris / October 22, 2010

Australia Welcomes Asian Refugees with Detention in For-Profit Jails -- Or by Just Allowing Them to Drown

We some­how got men­tioned in the first para­graph of this Aus­tralian expose of the treat­ment of refugees by first-world gov­ern­ments and pri­vate cor­po­ra­tions, but that is by far the least interesting/​important/​har­row­ing part of this arti­cle. A must-read. 

Jesus H. Chris / October 19, 2010

Chris earns $2000/second as guest vocalist on Antillectual recording.

Dutch band Antil­lec­tu­al are cur­rent­ly stream­ing a new song called Cut the Ground From Under Our Feet”, fea­tur­ing yours tru­ly singing about 3 12 sec­onds of lyrics near the end. I only charged them $7000, which is near­ly half my usu­al rate for guest vocals”. Some­times i just feel real­ly generous!

Jesus H. Chris / September 13, 2010