
British Petroleum

There is grow­ing frus­tra­tion over the ongo­ing envi­ron­men­tal cat­a­stro­phe of a British Petro­le­um oil rig spew­ing over 5000 bar­rels of oil into the Gulf of Mex­i­co every day for the past month, dec­i­mat­ing sen­si­tive ecosys­tems all along the Gulf Coast. There is no end in sight as BP has proven unable to stop the disaster. 

i think the solu­tion is obvi­ous: we need US con­gress to push through a $7,000,000,000+ bailout that British Petro­le­um nev­er has to repay or account for and we need them to do it NOW!!!! 

Jesus H. Chris / May 23, 2010

Support Kevin Olliff

Got a let­ter in the mail today that orig­i­nat­ed from with­in the walls of the infa­mous Twin Tow­ers Cor­rec­tion­al Facil­i­ty in down­town Los Ange­les. It was from this 23-year old kid named Kevin, who has been locked up for over a year with­out tri­al, fac­ing 4 years in a pen­i­ten­tiary for the crime of pro­vid­ing his fel­low cit­i­zens dis­clo­sure regard­ing the tor­ture of pri­mates at UCLA. He held some signs and hand­ed out some leaflets. Now he’s sit­ting in a cage, fac­ing prison for exer­cis­ing his con­sti­tu­tion­al rights. We wring our hands over alleged exter­nal threats to free­dom and democ­ra­cy — we even bomb impov­er­ished coun­tries over it — but sit idly by as it’s all rolled back from with­in. It does­n’t even mat­ter if you hate ani­mals (like most of soci­ety); you need to sup­port Kevin Olliff against these charges. 

Jesus H. Chris / May 21, 2010

G20/ The Dominion

I think i’ve men­tioned The Domin­ion mag­a­zine on here before. Their lat­est issue (which has­n’t been post­ed on their site yet) is worth track­ing down for some sim­ple out­lin­ing of this sum­mer’s (high­ly-mil­i­ta­rized, high­ly-unde­mo­c­ra­t­ic) eco­nom­ic sum­mits hap­pen­ing in Ontario. Email them and ask them how and where to get a copy. 

Jesus H. Chris / May 18, 2010

..but we'll sail on, sing a song, carry on

The world with­out Dio in it began today.

Ever since I was a young kid Dio’s music and lyrics have helped me through some of the most con­fus­ing and bad times of my life. I will miss him more than any­one can know. I actu­al­ly cried when I heard the news. R.I.P. Ronnie.

live for today, tomor­row nev­er comes.

The Rod / May 16, 2010

This Shit is Gold

Any of you twits see the cov­er of Exclaim mag­a­zine a few months ago? No, not the one with the twins with the hair­cuts and striped shirts. The oth­er one. No, not that one. Why are you pre­tend­ing you don’t know what i’m talk­ing about? Don’t make me say it. THE ONE WITH US ON IT. Yes, now you remem­ber. Yes, i agree, Jord’s thumbs are hilar­i­ous. Ok, well see that book i’m hold­ing? i mean the book Ronald is hold­ing. Yeah, that’s Yves Engler’s Black Book of Cana­di­an For­eign Pol­i­cy, which every­one in this coun­try, from the most annoy­ing anar­cho-punk to the most con­ser­v­a­tive patri­ot­ic dil­do should prob­a­bly have a look at if one believes that what hap­pens in their name mat­ters even a tiny iota. Here is anoth­er recent dis­patch from Yves that i would like my fel­low Cana­di­ans to peruse on this fine spring day in the Great White North. It’s enough to make a guy cheer for the fuck­ing Flyers. 

Jesus H. Chris / May 15, 2010

Hear Ye, Hear Ye!

This one is for the Winnipeggers:

Tomor­row (Sat­ur­day, May 15th) at 2:00, short­ly after you’re done col­lect­ing free stuff off of the neigh­bors lawns, there will be a par­ty at the U of W Bul­man Cen­tre. It’s put on by the kids who attend the after school pro­gram at the NEEDS CEN­TRE. There’s going to be a Rwan­dan dance, good singers, a play about com­ing to Cana­da, art, and a bunch of oth­er cool stuff. The kids wrote the play them­selves and have been prac­tic­ing for 6… months. Check it out if you can. These kids rule. I hope to see you there!!

http://​www​.win​nipegfreep​ress​.com/​l​i​f​e​/​p​l​a​y​-​t​e​l​l​s​-​o​f​-​r​e​f​u​g​e​e​-​t​e​e​n​s​-​l​i​v​e​s​-​93756029​.​h​t​m​l​?​v​i​e​w​A​l​l​C​o​m​m​e​nts=y http://​www​.win​nipegfreep​ress​.com/​l​o​c​a​l​/​s​u​c​c​e​e​d​i​n​g​-​d​e​s​p​i​t​e​-​a​d​v​e​r​s​i​t​y​-​93258054​.html
The Rod / May 14, 2010