
Drummer from Thrice thinks we are old.

what gave it away? the comb-overs? 

any­ways, some kind words from this fella. 

Jesus H. Chris / May 13, 2010

Recovered EP available now!

Hi nerds,

that ben­e­fit dig­i­tal-EP i was talk­ing about a while ago is avail­able now. go get it. it’s fun times!

back to the ram­page in the basement! 

Jesus H. Chris / April 6, 2010

Cognitive Science & Anarchism

As some­one who can’t help but roll my eyes when peo­ple call­ing them­selves anar­chists” prat­tle on about prim­i­tivism” and visu­al­iz­ing col­lapse” like that is actu­al­ly some­thing desir­able rather than a total night­mare, the 2nd half of this inter­view with Chom­sky is of obvi­ous interest. 

Jesus H. Chris / March 28, 2010

Hi, Winnipeg Friends!

We received this mes­sage from our friend Cindy. I think I will attend, maybe you will too? Check it out: Man­i­to­ba Asso­ci­a­tion For Rights and Lib­er­ties will be host­ing an event on Sun­day March 21st at 12:00 PM to take part in The Inter­na­tion­al Day For The Elim­i­na­tion Of Racial Dis­crim­i­na­tion. We will be hav­ing a free lun­cheon at Mon­drag­on Café, 91 Albert Street. Three speak­ers will dis­cuss cur­rent issues regard­ing racism in our com­mu­ni­ties. Slone Phan from the Man­i­to­ba Inter­faith Immi­gra­tion Coun­cil will be speak­ing, Sacha Paul the lawyer who rep­re­sent­ed Amnesty at the supreme court on the Khadr case will be speak­ing and for­mer left-ten­ant gov­er­nor john Har­vard will be speak­ing. There will be time for ques­tions, dis­cus­sion and deli­cious food. Please come out and make our event a suc­cess, also please feel free to for­ward this mes­sage and invite every­one that you think would be inter­est­ed — the event and food are free of charge, every­one is wel­come.” See you there, I hope. 

The Rod / March 20, 2010

Oh, for crying out loud...

…seems we have the midas touch: we need a new record label (again). small­man records is call­ing it a day and mov­ing on to real lives that don’t involve unstop­pable bangers at the top of their game (that’s us, hose­head). so if there’s any labels out there that aren’t total corn­holes but still know how put out a record prop­er­ly, drop us a line. i said prop­er­ly. we’ll have a new record ready to record by the end of 2010, and judg­ing from the 7 tunes we have going so far, it’s going to leave every­thing we’ve done in the past in the stink­ing dust. yes, vir­ginia, even ska sucks. 

Jesus H. Chris / March 18, 2010

Propagandhi killing own hair follicles to make more intense record!

That’s all for today.

The Rod / February 23, 2010