

Pro­pa­gand­hi just returned from watch­ing Voivod!!! They were amazing!

After the show I stood out­side in the alley like a nerd and final­ly met Blacky and Away! I am now a suc­cess in life! Awesome!

In a cou­ple days, for my own read­ing enjoy­ment, I’ll put up a lit­tle post detail­ing the end of our Euro­pean tour tour. ha ha..

The Rod / August 5, 2009

Notices of the International Theatrical Society

The sup­port­ing cast(e) received favor­able men­tion here and here. hey, get a fed­er­al grant while you’re at it, why don’t you? 

Jesus H. Chris / July 29, 2009



We are in Stuttgart, Deutsch­land for our last show of the tour! Last night in Paris was soooooo hot. I almost passed out. I don’t know if any­one needs to real­ly say it but holy smokes in Paris ever a nice place to vis­it! Yowza!!!! We are now con­jur­ing ancient ener­gies to smash Stuttgart to the ground. Also on tonights show is World infer­no Friend­ship Soci­ety who’s singer is Peter Ven­tan­to­nio from one of my all time favorite bands STICKS AND STONES! Cool!!

This is the last show before we take a two month break from tour­ing and start writ­ing some new songs! Actu­al­ly we already have a bunch of stuff on the go. We are aim­ing beyond the skies! hahaha..

We will be play­ing west­ern Cana­da in Octo­ber! Regi­na, Queen of all Cities, here we come!!!!

The Rod / July 25, 2009


Hal­lo! Today we are in Berlin!! Thanks to every­one for com­ing out to the shows so far. It’s been a good time! We’re prepar­ing to give er 100%
The Rod / July 21, 2009

Munster then Berlin!

Hal­lo, Deutchlanders!

We are In Munster!

This is a nice place. I went to the Botan­i­cal Gar­dens, the grave­yard and the lake! Today we’re rest­ed up and ready to RRRIIIIIIIIIPPPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!

O.k. have a Guten Tag!!!!

Tom­mor­row Berlin!!

The Rod / July 19, 2009

Propagandhi in Budapest!!!

Last nights show in Erlan­gen was great. I had an excel­lent time! Today we are in Budapest Hun­gary! We love com­ing here to play! Our good bud­dy Bal­acz is help­ing with the show again tonight, and his band Chief Rebel Angel is play­ing as well. Last time we were here he was a lit­tle kid with sun­glass­es who had nev­er kissed any­one before. Now he’s a full grown man! Ha ha..

Tom­mor­row we are off to Wien; or Vien­na as it is known in the west! We will avenge our­selves in that city. Last time we did not play so good. Ha ha. This time you’d bet­ter watch out we will take no prisoners!!!!!

On with the show!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


The Rod / July 16, 2009