
There is no other possibility...

…than this being us play­ing Ter­tium Non Datur live in Mon­tréal a few weeks ago. It’s the live feed off the board. Don’t com­plain or i’ll stop the car right now and you can get out and walk. 

Jesus H. Chris / July 16, 2009

Propagandhi Have Arrived In Deutschland!

Guten Tag!

So far so good! The Polizei have only arrest­ed us once for our unruly, uncouth, and incon­ceiv­able behavior!

We are, how­ev­er, are now in Erlan­gen and ready to rock!

Tomor­row We’re off to Budapest, Hungary!!

The Rod / July 15, 2009

In The Spirit of Canada Day!

…i offer you this lit­tle dose of skep­ti­cal inquiry.

Jesus H. Chris / July 6, 2009

Propagandhi to play Germany, Holland, Hungary, France, Austria, and Germany in one week!!!!!

Salut, Europe! Pro­pa­gand­hi is com­ing back to shake the earth beneath your feet and top­ple the build­ings that sur­round you! From Paris to Budapest we shall come thrash­ing like mani­acs! We have one week to heal the many pains and wounds from our Mid-east­ern U.S. and Cana­di­an tour with Strike Any­where. It was a great trip! Thanks to every­one who came out ready to rock. We’re lucky we lived to see anoth­er day! We will be more than ready for Europe!! See you there! Au Revoir!

The Rod / July 5, 2009

From Minneapolis to Toronto: We Shall Go Hard!!

Alright every­body! The day is upon us: Pro­pa­gand­hi hits the streets once again. Our first show is in Min­neapo­lis then the crazy train keeps going until the grand finale in Toron­to! It’s going to be INANE!!!. Bar­ney will be in tha house! Strike Any­where will be in tha house! We’re play­ing some dif­fer­ent tunes this time around! Come pre­pared for excite­ment!! See you all there!!!

The Rod / June 14, 2009

a FLEURY of activity in Winnipeg!

Oops, i mean flur­ry. Sor­ry Wings fans! 

So last night, for­mer Chill­i­wack Chiefs (B.C. Junior A League) left-winger Yves Engler spoke at Mon­drag­on here in Win­nipeg about his new book enti­tled The Black Book of Cana­di­an For­eign Pol­i­cy”. I high­ly encour­age all Cana­di­ans — espe­cial­ly those still cling­ing to the myth that Cana­da is a shin­ing exam­ple of a force for good in the world — to track this book down and give it your undi­vid­ed atten­tion. Our homey Jordy-Boy helped orga­nize the whole event (along with oth­er mem­bers of CHAN) and did a fuckin great job. 

Although we’ll be out of town for them, there are a few oth­er real­ly great events com­ing up at Mon­drag­on in the next lit­tle bit that peo­ple should take note of. Two that real­ly stick out in my mind are Build­ing a High­way of Hope: Doc­u­men­tary Screen­ing and Dis­cus­sion” with Jes­si­ca Yee on Wednes­day June 17th at 7pm at 91 Albert Street and Turn­ing the Eco­nom­ic Cri­sis to Good Use: Robin Hah­nel” on Sat­ur­day, June 20th at 7:30pm also at 91 Albert Street. 

Also hap­pen­ing in Win­nipeg next week is the 2nd (i think?) annu­al Win­nipeg Anar­chist Book Fair & DIY fes­ti­val. So grab your patch­es and dirty up those pants as if you don’t have access to run­ning water (calm down, just jok­ing) and get down there for some dif­fer­ent ideas about how peo­ple can orga­nize their lives and their workplaces! 

Jesus H. Chris / June 12, 2009