
Dominion Interview

Erin Empey, gui­tar hero of Canada’s best liv­ing punk band, The Rebel Spell, moon­lights as a jour­nal­ist. Here, in the soon-to-be pres­ti­gious Domin­ion mag­a­zine, she asks Chris such pen­e­trat­ing ques­tions as when are you play­ing Van­cou­ver?”. Wait, there’s more (although i just noticed that my com­ments about Afghanistan, The Van­cou­ver Olympics and the Stephen Lewis Foun­da­tion got left on the cut­ting room floor. is there no jus­tice?! will i nev­er be heard?!?). Watch for a poten­tial Propagandhi/​Rebel Spell onslaught in West­ern Cana­da this fall. 

Jesus H. Chris / June 12, 2009


Film-mak­er and jour­nal­ist John Pil­ger offers some per­spec­tive here to those of us who don’t spend their entire lives under siege by one of the pow­er­ful mil­i­taries in the world. 

Jesus H. Chris / June 11, 2009

Head East Young Skids.

We’ve fin­ished anoth­er leg of tour­ing for 2009. It was a good time. Thanks to every­one who came to the shows. We’re rest­ing up our aching heads and necks and turn­ing our eyes to the east. In a lit­tle over a week we’ll be head­ing from Min­neapo­lis to Que­bec City! See you there!

This Sat­ur­day, in Winnnipeg is the Run For Rights. Yes­ter­day I did a lit­tle prac­tice run and will be sharp and ready for action!

Watch out!!!

The Rod / June 4, 2009

2nd Toronto Show Added! June 26th!!!

If you read the above head­line cor­rect­ly, then you now know that there has been a 2nd show added in Toron­to at the Phoenix. If you read the pre­vi­ous­ly sen­tence cor­rect­ly, then you know it inti­mate­ly! I think the first one on the 25th is sold out. i know that because i read it in a sen­tence somewhere.

Jesus H. Chris / May 24, 2009

Fear and Propagandhi in Las Vegas!!!! (UPDATE!!!)

Hel­lo denizens of Las Vegas! Peo­ple from your city keep email­ing and ask­ing if our show there on the 25th of this month has been can­celled. We’re not sure why this rumour is cir­cu­lat­ing, but as far as we know, we are play­ing a place called The Farm (5597 S. Rain­bow BLVD. Las Vegas) on the 25th, and we are dri­ving there intend­ing to play and lev­el that fuck­ing place!!! Spread the word! Don’t make me spend anoth­er lone­ly night wan­der­ing around Cir­cus Cir­cus buy­ing gag ketchup bottles. 

Jesus H. Chris / May 20, 2009

Fire the Boss

Noa­mi Klein gives a quick round up of recent devel­op­ments in the world of work­er con­trol. As glob­al cap­i­tal­ism shits the bed (as pre­dict­ed), per­haps it is time to look a lit­tle more close­ly at ways of orga­niz­ing work­places. but what do i know, i just work here. 

Jesus H. Chris / May 20, 2009