
How Inconvenient!

Will some­one in Ottawa please punch that human slug Low­ell Green in the nuts for me? If i hear one more Cana­di­an whine about their com­mute home being delayed by peo­ple des­per­ate to draw even a sliv­er of atten­tion to a human­i­tar­i­an cat­a­stro­phe that we would all oth­er­wise total­ly ignore, i’m going to pro­jec­tile vom­it in their face. no, make that explo­sive diar­rhea. yes, still in their face. 

Cana­di­ans are amongst the last peo­ple on earth who should be cry­ing about for­eign­ers bring­ing their prob­lems over here with them”. For­get for a moment that the pro­test­ers block­ing the Gar­diner Expresway have fam­i­ly and friends fac­ing death back home and that we’d all do the exact same thing if we were in their posi­tion. For­get that. Does the name Afghanistan ring any bells to Cana­di­ans? You know, that place where Cana­di­ans are for­eign­ers and con­tin­ue to make life rather incon­ve­nient for Afghans? 

Don’t believe me? Why not ask a mem­ber of the Afghan Par­lia­ment, (who inci­den­tal­ly has about 150 less civil­ian con­stituents (includ­ing infants) to rep­re­sent these days since NATO blew them all of the face of the earth last month)? 

Oh well, I guess as long as patri­ot­ic morons wast­ing resources dri­ving back and forth between their use­less jobs and their mean­ing­less lives in front of their stu­pid T.V.‘s aren’t put out, that’s what’s real­ly important!

Jesus H. Chris / May 16, 2009

MayWorks 2009: A Festival of Labour and the Arts

Atten­tion dick­weeds of Win­nipeg, may i have your atten­tion. As you may or may not know, it is now May, which of course means that the annu­al May­works Fes­ti­val is in full swing. You may check out the cal­en­dar of events here, unless your name is Brad May, in which case you may be spend­ing May dismayed on a golf-course in South­ern Ontario.

Jesus H. Chris / May 8, 2009

Flu Season

Hi there from Rome! An event­ful trip so far, much may­hem! Will tell lat­er. Stop. 

So as Swine Flu” inch­es its way through your neigh­bor­hood, now is as good a time as any to have a look at this lit­tle vir­tu­al-expe­ri­ence the peo­ple at Farm Sanc­tu­ary have put togeth­er. Farm Sanc­tu­ary is one of the rad­dest things in the world. 

Now, back to your reg­u­lar­ly sched­uled, human-caused glob­al pandemic.…

Jesus H. Chris / April 27, 2009


Our jour­ney con­tin­ues tonight in Munich! So far so good..if you take into account fire, out of hand bounc­ers, and the worst injury in stage­div­ing his­to­ry so good. But we pre­vail and march on!

Check out a book called The Trans­la­tor” by Daoud Hari. He is a trans­la­tor from Dar­fur Sudan who has a lot to say and has writ­ten an unbe­liev­able book!

See you all soon! If any­body is going to the Cal­gary Com­ic Con­ven­tion this week­end and you see a guy dressed up like Groo The Wan­der­er, that is my pop. haha…

The Rod / April 24, 2009

Black Magic?

Tonights show in Sheffield Eng­land end­ed half way through the set in a huge,huge, huge fire. Clive from Black Wid­ow joined us on stage bring­ing the dark aura with him. He will be join­ing us tomor­row as well. Come To The Sab­bat, will you?

The Rod / April 17, 2009