
Here we go!

Today Pro­pa­gand­hi leaves on our extra-sen­so­ry voy­age. This will tru­ly be the most ridicu­lous tour we’ve ever been on for rea­sons that are unex­plain­able to ratio­nal, rea­son­able, humans. This is our true test as to whether we can act like human beings towards each oth­er or degen­er­ate into hyper-active mon­keys who’ve been bonked on the head by a caveper­son too many times. I hope we fare well. Please pray for us. See you out in the real world if it tru­ly exists.

The Rod / April 14, 2009

Propagandhi goes to England and Europe on Tuesday!

Yes, it’s true we are back on the jour­ney of life that takes us over seas once again! We’re prac­tic­ing hard and ready to go! I hope you are all ready to rock!

The show in Sheffield will be extra spe­cial. We will have Clive Jones from BLACK WID­OW doing vocals for the song Come To The Sab­bat” so make sure to leave your clothes at home! Clive is of course the writer of CTTS which he wrote in 1970

I have been lis­ten­ing to old Pro­pa­gand­hi songs from 1988 that are very cool. Too bad those songs weren’t released back then! Lis­ten­ing to those songs also have inspired me to pull out a tape of my friend Ken­ton and I jam­ming at some point in the mid 80’s. Despite the hilar­i­ty of young chil­dren singing about sac­ri­fic­ing vir­gins it real­ly touch­es my heart. We loved met­al and play­ing music so much. He played drums and sang at the same time and did a great job at singing like Dan Beehler from Exciter, espe­cial­ly for a lit­tle kid! I still feel that rush of excite­ment when I play today. Ken­ton is in a great band called Beelze­bi­son now.

If you get a chance check out a movie called Some­times In April”. It is an amaz­ing movie about the Rwan­dan Geno­cide. It is extreme­ly well done. It was put out by HBO but is also avail­able at the library. (at least here in Winnipeg).

Nomeansno is pay­ing here in Win­nipeg on Sun­day and Mon­day so we will be there for sure! Blair Cal­iba­ba who record­ed Potemkin City Lim­its” with us is the sound­man! When the delight­ful fre­quen­cies hit your ears in that spe­cial way make sure to take note or give him some props!

The snow is melt­ing and I’m off! Thanks for read­ing this. Have a great day! See some of you in a week! 

The Rod / April 11, 2009

When the credits finally...

What do Oprah Win­frey, Antho­ny Rob­bins and Chris Han­nah all have in com­mon? No, it’s not that we’re all mul­ti-mil­lion­aires. Close, though. To find out you’ll have to watch the doc­u­men­tary Food Mat­ters, a film by James Coluquhoun and Lau­ren­tine ten Bosch, nutri­tion­ists turned film­mak­ers. It’s a very inter­est­ing look into human health and our food/​med­ical sys­tems. Keep a keen eye on those cred­its if you wan­na have a good laugh! 

Jesus H. Chris / April 8, 2009

Tom Gabel of Against Me interviews Chris

You may read it here if you can sur­vive the onslaught of adver­tise­ments for use­less things. 

Jesus H. Chris / April 7, 2009


Well, The Rod just got home from watch­ing Dave and Adam Car­lo, Rob Mills and Bob Reid Total­ly destroy Win­nipeg with Mark Bar­ney Barnabus Eugene Dirty Chap­lin (Pro­pa­gand­hi Soundman/​Fart Lover) at the sound­board!! What a riff-fest!! No oth­er band has ever lived that can play like that!!! RAZOR!! RAZOR!!! My first Speed met­al tape was Evil Invaders”. I saw them with Sac­ri­fice in Regi­na when I was about 15! Tonights show was just as good!!! I wish my bud­dy Chris was there to par­take so he could write anoth­er song about this one!!! Maybe I’ll try..haha… Got­ta turn my metronome up to 675 beats per minute!! I went bananas I went berz­erk Nowak was beside me breath­ing on me.. I did­n’t care Was thrash­ing hard Was thrash­ing mad. Total­ly wrecked got a her­nia and a pic­ture with Adam Car­lo now I stink!” How’s that? O.K!!!!!! That’s all for now!!! RAZOR!! RAZOR!!!

The Rod / March 28, 2009

Supporting Caste out tomorrow!

Well hel­lo there loy­al sub­jects! Wel­come to our new web­site, cour­tesy of our good bud­dy Derek Penis” Hogue.

Tomor­row, the 10th of March, Sup­port­ing Caste” is out, and today is the last chance to get in on the pre-order deal (which includes a free poster and a free down­load of the whole album). Start­ing tomor­row, the record will be avail­able — sans poster and free down­load — from the G7 Wel­com­ing Com­mit­tee site.

Our donate-to-down­load pro­gram worked out pret­ty great. We man­aged to raise over $7500 USD for the par­tic­i­pat­ing activist orga­ni­za­tions, which ain’t too bad. Thanks to all you who donat­ed. No thanks to you goofs who just jagged the songs off the net.

So we’re on the road as I type this, about to play Atlanta. Check out our com­plete tour dates to see if we’re stink­ing up your part of the world any­time soon. 


Jesus H. Chris / March 8, 2009